3 days of the new normal

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Is this what its going to be like from now on? Trying to escape my dad and his evil scheme? Qestioning everyone i love? I feel like im going crazy. I need to do something. so I come home to confront my dad on lying to me when i see dad with a bloodly knife in his hand and my brother david when a stab wound in his leg. 

 What is happening? I have to do something. I quietly open the door and sneak toward the kitchen. Dad is yelling at david for telling me his secret. This is all my fault i have to fix it. But how?

I walk into the kitchen behind my dad, when david see me. He gives me the get out of here look. I cant just leave him here like this so I scan my surrondings and grab the rolling pin from the table i raise it over my head to hit him when he turns around and slahses at me with the knife. Thankfully it only cut my shirt.

"well well look what we have here." My dad says walking toward me.

"Stay back ." I say grabbing knife from the drawer.

"What are you gonna do with that? Stab me? He throws his knife across the room. "Go right ahead."

Why did he do that? Why isnt he afraid? then again who would be afraid of a 14 year old. I need to be very careful of what i do and say one worn gmove and it could be death for me and david. My guess is he had a needle on him somewhere, so that even if i took half a step he get the needle and stab me.

"I just want to talk." I throw my knife across the room. I regreted it as soon as i did it. but i tried not to show it, i wanted to be as confident as him, show him no fear... even thought my heart is beating so loud he can probably hear it.

"What about?" Dad asks inncocently

Is he serious? my brother was just stabbed beacuse he told me his secret and he doesnt know what i want to talk about?!?!

"Global warming......what do you think!"

"Lets start with how much do you know.?"


"Oh, i doubt that princess."

"I know everything about mom being at the institute, how you helped her escape,how you use experimental drugs on patients that dont obey you... like margret, james,and liam."

I watch dads face fall from a smirk to a angry face. 

Without warning he slaps me.

David trys to gegt up on his feet but falls.

"I guess im smarter than you think." i said glareing at him. I would smack him to if he wasnt so tall and me so short, but there are advantages to being short.

I kick him in the groin and lunge toward the knifes. david hides one behind his back. 

I get up and dad slpas the knife away knocking it out of my hands.

He trys to pin my arms down when david lunges himself at dad but dad is faster he throws david back and he hits he's head on the counter and falls backs a blood pool is forming around his head.

"DAVID!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Im crying and screaming and fighting to get out of dads grasp but like i thought he pulled out a needle and stabbed me with it.

it feels just like the hallucanations i had,

exept this time......

its real.

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