Chapter 18

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His training was surprisingly light.

Well, I could have said that if it was actually true.

It has been two weeks since I was obliged to be trained. One and a half of that, I was under Blake's unpredictable training schemes. I just hope it will pay off well.

He took me to life threatening scenarios.

Like locking me in an empty room with no possible escape. Then after finding away to break through, letting an insane vampire chase me. I was forced to fight and kill it.

He transported me to Caleb's chamber of the insane. I had to destroy space just to free myself otherwise I will become one of the infected.

He dragged a Type 6 S Class to do various things to me with the trainor's refined powers such as hypnosis, telekinesis, telepathy and teleportation. I had to surpass them all just by using D Class magic. As of that training, that resulted to a thing; I subconsciously created a nullification barrier around me.

Since the agreement, Blake did not order anything yet. He did not even dare to request my blood. We were normally living under one roof every night; we were maintaining a professional relationship at school every day. We take turns on cooking dinner at first but then I figured he has greater cooking skills than I do so I took over cleaning instead. In the morning until the afternoon, he will be giving tasks which I am supposed to accomplish then he will be giving reminders or evaluating me after each. Well, that is the basic routine we had until this evening.

Earlier today, Blake told me that I will face a C Class Type 6 tomorrow which then implies that I suceeded my encounter with the S Class Type 6. That was our last proper conversation. He was very silent and grim since we arrived at his place. He just walked straight to his room when I asked him if he was alright. I thought he was just tired so I dismissed my negative thoughts and prepared dinner instead.

Once I am done, I walked in front of the silver door then knocked. "Blake, dinner is ready."

Silence. He usually replies to me whenever I say something. I had been feeling a really odd aura from him this evening.

"Are you feeling ill?"

I waited for his response but found none.

"I'll just deliver the food to you." I was about to turn my heels but a really intimidating wave passed through my senses. On the instant, I rushed to open the door then entered. The door automatically shut closed afterwards. I do not remember such blackness in this room before. My eyes widened in a nostalgic feeling. This happened before. "Blake where are you?" I yelled.

My voice just echoed through the walls as if this room is empty.

Am I in another dimension?

I focused my magic in my forehead as I closed my eyes, trying to regain my nullification barrier. I should have not let my guard down, even if I am with Blake.

Once I opened my eyes, a ghastly pair of glimmering murderous gold eyes are in front of me. "You shouldn't have entered."

I took off my coat, removed my tie and unbottoned the half of my upper uniform. "I am offering you my blood," I said as I pulled my collar away from my neck, revealing my left shoulder.

"You shouldn't have done that," he said in between gritted teeth.

"You're losing your sanit--"

"Hush." His hand flew to cover my mouth. His nose travelled to my bare skin. On a nearly exact situation in the near past, I was more than scared. Now, it's different.

I could feel it.

He needs me.

His free hand lightly grabbed my shoulder and the other transferred to my lower back.

I slightly bent my head away from his, giving more access to him.

"Please be gentle with me," I almost whispered.

I heard soft chuckle from him before his fangs pierce my skin. He pulled me closer as my blood travels towards his mouth.

My knees were about to flop; he noticed it and tightened his grasp, as if telling me that I can entrust my weight on him.

He backed away after several seconds. "You are the sweetest, cookie."

"I assume you wouldn't be eating dinner tonight," I jokingly said.

"When was the last time you drank blood?" He whispered whilst carrying me.

"Last week, I guess. Why?"

He placed me on top of the bed. "I smell your hunger." He huskily said while leaning towards me.

One by one, he takes off his clothes, only leaving his slocks and underwear.

His genuine smile spreads through his handsome face.

"Don't make me feisty, sweet heart," I said in a dangerously low tone.

"I am offering you my body," he mimicked my tone awhile back.

I pushed him a little. My other hand slips through his sturdy chest towards his hardened stomach. I bit my lip, stopping myself from exploring farther. "Help me sit."

His hand assisted my back then he pulled me towards him. My head threw towards his wide shoulders. When my lips touched his skin, my hands probed his huge back. He just sat still.

I could feel my two separated teeth sharpening on its own. Without second thoughts, my fangs burried in his skin. I heard him lightly groaned.

He whispered, "Welcome to my world."

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