Chapter 20

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"Leigh, what are you?" Dylan expectantly eyes me.

"I was looking forward to that question," Alexandra, who came out of nowhere, strolls towards us. "Now Raleigh, listen." She warily faces me afterwards. "Once upon a time, a diablo king started an epidemia called insanity. His body was locked in the sturdiest shell ever known in history but his magic could still escape from his chamber. The S Class diablo, who specializes in illusion, found the only key to unlocking his miseries. That is through the help of a white witch. Rina, the person whom the diablo seeks, grew in the human world. Her life was just fine until she turned 18. Her scent easily drove the diablo to her. Upon his efforts, he was able to make the innocent girl fall for him. One day, the brainwashed girl purposely studied the ways to free the diablo, which eventually led her to discovering her true self, hoping to be with her lover. On the day she succeeded, she eventually snapped out of reality the second after she has seen the true nature of the deceitful diablo. Due to shame, Rina recollected her soul and enchanted herself for reincarnation. Meanwhile, the notorious diablo built his empire consisting of purely his own kind. It was prophesized that the two shall meet again and will be mated. Legend says that the white witch, upon her rebirth, shall be entitled as the sacrificial offering to the diablo king on her puberty to mark the end of the epidemia. Interestingly, the said king has finally moved the pieces of the chess board after a very long time of passiveness. Recently, he has been assigning lookouts in the Grandeur academy and kidnapping our legit students. The thing that struck me the most, however, was when he had you trapped in his dimension. And that was the last kidnapping incident although I am certain that he is still alive after our encounter." She breathes out. "I strongly believe your past life was Rina's. And I am certain that the king wants you for something but your blood."

I nod in agreement as I process the information registered in my mind. "I reckon so, too. He seduced me the instant I was transported by Leviathan. Perhaps, his behavior is an act of defiance against our president."

"You seem pretty calm despite the situation," Alexandra comments nonchalantly.

"And I'm not! In fact, I am projecting her supposed reaction!" Dylan says, wide-eyed. He sighs as his tensed shoulders relax. "W-What's gonna happen now?"

"Simple." A purple-branded man appears in front of us. "That is, to execute the Nox Academy and kill the king. By his death, the illness shall vanish."

"According to my researches, the diablo king's only way of death is through--" Alexandra butts in however her statement was cut off by a mischievious man in front of us.

"Sacrificing his mate."

Dylan's eyes widen in bewilderment, "Which means sacrificing Leigh." His fists curl into balls. "That was not included in the plan!"

"It was. It is just a matter of--'only the type 7 shall be authorized to know and spread the information', which speaks of only me, alone." Blake smirks. "As a matter of fact, Rina pleaded me to do so, herself."

Dylan's gaze turns into those of a murderous kind. "There is no way she will do that!"

"I believe you lost to Raleigh in this training, Dylan. You are dismissed from being her instructor," Blake coldly says. He lazily gazes at me afterwards, "Come to my office after your cool down." Then vanishes.

"You should have a say on this, Raleigh," Alexandra calmly says.

"If my fate is decided, then so be it," I quietly murmur.

"Not you, too," Dylan sadly approaches me.

"It is this life's purpose, Dylan. I will be ready to die after we save Chi." I forced a smile in front of him then strolled away.

"Raleigh," Alexandra called from behind. I halted at the instant. When I faced her, she handed me a small glass bottle with a strangely colored liquid in it. "Your exemplar technically dragged you in this mess. If so ever you are to encounter him again, I figured this might help." With that, I left the field.

Heading towards the Terra Building, I met Caleb who was leaning on the wall of the hallway. "You seem to openly accept your fate."

I just continued walking. "It is for the common good."

My fists automatically fly on the door of Blake's office to knock thrice; the knob clicks open.

"Have a seat, muffin," Blake's usual tone returns as he gestures to a sofa. I was mandated to follow his command. "You are to rest for the remaining hours of the day. As unfortunate as it may seem, the Nox Academy has forseen our target dates. We are to execute the raid tomorrow midnight."

I nod upon understanding the situation.

"Aren't you supposed to ask me something?" He raises a brow.

"How did you meet Rina?" I asked in a stern manner.

"She approached me," was his short answer.

My eyes were glued on him, waiting for an elaboration, but found none. "I'll head home."

He nods as he averts his stare on the papers in front of him.

As I step my feet outside his office, I open the portal to my room.



Tomorrow's my last day.

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