2. Holy Shit, It's Kim Jongdae!!!

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"Oh my gosh this shouldn't be happening! HOW did I become the center of attention and WHY did I have to meet him this way?!! THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING JAS what am I suppose to do now!!? I can't --"

"-Hey hey, stop freaking out it's not as bad as you think it is. Think positively, you've been noticed by your dream guy, and you even protected him from getting harmed." Jas interrupted, a fascinating smile plastered on her face.

It had taken me awhile to digest what really happened one day ago. I only started freaking out like, five minutes later?

Jas placed her hands over mine and comforted me.

I have never imagined an outcome like this. What I wanted was to greet him when I meet him, get a signature and perhaps have a small talk before leaving. I didn't even manage to get his signature...*cries*

"Wait... I protected him? You mean that maniac... he was targeting Jongdae?"

"I'm not sure. If it isn't him, it'll just be anyone else from EXO. Don't you think? Anyway, here's a video. I think a staff took it. It was uploaded anonymously but it sure has a lot of details that you might wanna see." Jas said as she handed me her phone once again, showing a clip of what happened a day ago.

< Day of incident >

The maniac attempted to strike me once again when I jumped in front of him. He lashed his knife about carelessly while I had nothing to defend with. Lucky enough, I collapsed backward, in time to dodge his merciless attacks and I remember now that this was the point of time I had become unconscious. By then, my clothes were bloodied from the profuse bleeding at my abdomen.

Among the members that were still recovering from the shocking event, there was Jongdae who bravely stood out in the scene. From behind me, he swiftly embraced me into his arms and lowered me to the ground with care. My face was buried in his chest and I was laying helpless in his arms, unconscious.

He was looking down at me, studying the wound that was a result of the attack and quickly placed his hands over it to try and stop the bleeding.

"We need to go to the hospital. Hurry!" Jongdae's voice harsh as he spoke.

The situation turned messier when everyone began to freak out over the bloody incident. More security personnel were deployed to usher the people for evacuation and they sadly announced that the event ended for good.

The maniac who was pinned down, was also handled by the big, buffer guys and was now out of sight.

Standing beside Jongdae was Sehun, who knelt down beside the both of us, checking my poor condition.

"This isn't working. Let's bring her out of here." Jongdae decided.

He picked me up effortlessly in princess style and Sehun led the way. The other members were forced to dismiss themselves and soon the stage was clear.

How I wish I was conscious then...

"Hey put her down, I'll get someone else to take care of it. We need to leave here." A man, I assume it's EXO's manager demanded, stopping Jongdae in his tracks.

"No im fine, I can handle it -"

"Right now you're not in the position to handle anything! Put her down! We need to go." He demanded, interrupting him.

"No. I'm not leaving her here like this. I'm bringing her to the hospital." He insisted firmly.

"Jongdae!" The manager raised his voice.

"Yes, Johnny! I'm bringing her to the hospital!"

So the man named Johnny, stood there furious at Jongdae's stubbornness, yet almost unsure of what to say before he stepped forward and said something in Jongdae's ears.

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