Chapter 5

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“How's your dad?” I ask Taylor as she lays her head on my chest. I stroke her hair and I feel her smile.

“He's good. He was asking about you.” She answers.

“He was?” I've never met him and I don't plan on either. I am not going to get serious with Taylor.

“Yeah. Mom too. They want to meet you.”

“Oh. Do they? That's...” I trail off, wrinkling my nose.

“Shoot, is that the time? I need to go.” Oh, yes. To her 'job'.

“I'll see you later.” Taylor kisses me and leaves, earning a silent hurray from me.

When she's here, I can't wait for her to go but when she's not here, I need her.

Fucking weird.

I get dressed and look in the fridge for a liquid breakfast. I bring the bottle up to my lips only to be interrupted by a knock.

Seriously, ever since River moved in, the knocks on my door have been far more frequent.

I open the door and speak of the devil, he's there. I don't say anything to him and I know he's come in because I hear the door shut.

“Seriously?” River raises an eyebrow, motioning to the bottle in my hand.

“Leave it.” I tell him, shaking my head. He nods and has a hesitant look on his face.

“Listen, about yesterday...” I've realised that we've made a habit of this - doing things we regret but then apologising the day after.

“I was being a friend, River.” I say as I sit down. He follows suit and pulls his sleeves down.

“You were but I don't want you to think I'm one of those people. I'm not soft, okay? It's just, I've let things get on top of me and I needed to let them out and you were there and...”

“Listen, I understand. I understand how you feel. But seriously, you shouldn't put yourself down.” It was time to put my affectionate hat on. “In the short time I've got to know you, you seem like a sound guy. Don't let some irrelevant boyfriend ruin that.”

“Yeah, I just loved him so fucking much. I need to get over him. Getting laid a few weeks back didn't work.” He gives me a watery chuckle, his eyes cast down.

“Clearly not. But you are really cool and to be honest, I like you more than my closest friends.” And that is the truth.

“Wow, that's great.” He seems to blush at this which makes me smile. His eyes darken up as he looks up at me.

“Maybe I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and just accept the fact that he doesn't want me anymore.” I nod in agreement, thinking that Jack is a fool to not want someone like River.

Sure, I haven't known him for as long as I would have liked but I have realised that he's caring and sensitive. On the other hand, he also has a tough exterior which he hasn't really shown but I know it's there. It must be.

He's enough to make anyone doubt their sexuality.

I sigh inwardly and look at River. I look at him curiously, taking every part of him in, like it was the last time I may see him.

After this, it might be.

“River.” I start, making him turn his head so he's looking directly at me.

I lean in and press my lips to his playfully. It gets too heated all too quickly and before I know it, he's kissing me back. River places his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer. Both of my hands find their way to his sides and I mimic his moves, decreasing the gap between us. I lick his lower lip and he opens his mouth, letting me in. I hear him whimper and that's when I open my eyes and stop.

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