A Party

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"Hi." You mumbled when Finn stopped next to you.

"I um... hi." He spluttered and you turned back to the stall you'd been buying from before starting to head back home. "Wait, will you be my date to a party?"

"Me... you want me to go to a Shelby party with me?" You asked him dubiously and he nodded.

"Yeah well I like you and stuff so I hoped you'd want to go with me." He shuffled his feet and fiddled with his coat as you thought it over. "The parties aren't as bad as everyone says."

"Maybe I'll go with you for a little while but I don't know about the whole night." You muttered and he nodded.

"That's great I can get someone to drive you home." He smiled and hugged you awkwardly before running off to wherever he'd been lurking and you headed home to prepare for a Shelby party.

The music was so loud you weren't sure you could think, it was almost disorientating. Finn took your hand and lead you through the crowded rooms, trying to tell you who people were when they came to spoke to him, but you were a little over whelmed.

"Well who is this?" A woman asked Finn rubbed the back of his head.

"Aunt Poll this is (Y/N)." Finn pointed at you as she looked you up and down, making you feel like you needed her approval to stay at the party.

"Well it's very nice to meet you." She hummed and moved on to greet some other guests.

"She seems... nice." You muttered and Finn shrugged.

"We should go this way so we can avoid my brothers." Finn guided you over to the back where a group of people were stood.

"Isaiah, how are you?" You greeted when the group parted to reveal Isaiah chatting to one of the girls.

"(Y/N) I'm good, didn't expect Finn to be able to get you to come." He chuckled and Finn blushed, shyly sliding an arm around your shoulders.

"They still in the back?" Finn mumbled and Isaiah nodded.

"Yeah but I think Michael's around." He nodded when Finn thanked him and took you to the middle of the dance floor where you both danced until he swore and tugged you off to the side.

"Where are, we going?" You asked as he ducked through a corridor.

"Away from my brothers they're a bit... much." Finn said quietly and you nodded, recalling seeing one of his brothers get into a fight in the streets.

"Finn where you going?" Someone called and Finn swore again.

"John, this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is John and that's his wife Esme." Finn mumbled and two more men joined.

"I'm Tommy, this is Arthur." Tommy shook your hand and you nodded, you knew who those two were.

"It's nice to meet you." You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as they all looked at you.

"Finn I'd take her home soon, some of the boys started fighting outside." Tommy warned and Finn nodded, walking with you to the drive where a car was waiting for you.

"Um... it was a nice evening." You giggled when he looked surprised.

"Thanks for being my date." He almost whispered and you hugged him, making a noise of surprise when he kissed you.

Finn Shelby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now