Sister, sister

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"Ah! Where do you think you're off too?" Polly asked as you tried to hurry ast her.

"Why don't you ever ask Finn that?" You asked her and she raised her eyebrows.

"Because when your brothers would go out at your age, I knew at the stroke of six I would have to pick them up from the bloody jail. Ada on the other hand... Now. Where are you going?" Polly said sharply.

"Down to the docks. It's not like you don't have Charlie spying on me." You added and she sighed.

"Fine. But home by dinner. If you're not I'll know." Polly warned. She gestured for Finn to follow you but you hurried off before he could catch you.

"(Y/N)!" Finn called as you hurried down the road to join your friends. You gestured to take a side road and ducked into an alleyway as he hurried past.

"Come on. I know a place we can go!" You said cheerfully.

"But I thought we were going to the docks?" One of your friends said.

"Yeah, like we're going to hang around and look at some stupid boats. There's a place just outside Smallheath. It's great!" You assured them and led the way through a series of small alleyways. Your friends slowly tapered off one by one, until there was only a handful of you left on a bus out of town.

"You're sure your brothers won't get angry?" One of them asked quietly.

"Nah, nothing will happen. They think I'm down at the docks so... why would they even need to know?"


Finn was nervous. Polly had told you to come home hours ago. He wasn't sure if he should be going out to look for you or if he was supposed to wait, in case you came home.

Another hour passed by and he finally heard the scramble at the door that meant that you were home. "(Y/N)! You're so late..." He stopped when he saw blood on the sleeve of your coat. A friend was helping you up the stairs. They looked worried and nervous. "What happened?" Finn asked quickly as he hurried you over to the sofa and tried to look at you.

"Nothing Finn I'm fine!" You insisted and he sighed.

"If you're fine there wouldn't be blood on you and you would have been here hours ago." He scolded.

"It's not that bad." You initiated as he tugged your coat to the side. He could see that you were right but it didn't ease his worrying any less.

"I'll have to get Polly!"

"Can't you get Ada?" You asked, hissing and shoving at him when poked at you.

"No! If I get Ada and don't tell Polly I'll be in as much trouble as you." Finn complained.

"I suppose we could sneak off to see a nurse and then..."

"You two are late! You were supposed to meet and come to dinner... (Y/N)!" Polly had started speaking as she came up the stairs. When she saw the state that you were in, she barged past your friend, who had been lurking in the doorway while toying with the idea of just leaving, she rushed to look at you and started shouting orders for Finn.

"What have you gotten yourself into?" Polly snapped sharply.

"Pol she's injured! Yelling at her wont help!" Finn said insistently as he held your hand. The rest of your brothers soon filled in, one by one as they were rounded up. Even Isaiah came and sat with Finn when he was shooed away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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