Your side

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You knew very well why Tommy worked with your parents. Your family was the only ones that could have a final say in the affairs of other families like the Lees, though your parents wouldn't digress why to your or your siblings until they felt you were ready. Whenever that was.

You assumed it was to keep you safe. Which is why it made no sense to you, to team up with the Shelby family. Arthur made you nervous and you were always suspicious of Tommy. Finn and Michael were nice and John was always politely kind.

In fact, it was Finn who befriended you first. The pair of you stood at the back of the room, listening to business that you didn't entirely understand.

He'd smiled when you caught his eye. Smiling back you waited until the family meetings were over to talk to him. He filled you in on why Tommy wanted your family to help him.

It wasn't long before you'd hang out with Finn and Isaiah and eventually Michael. While Finn was a friend Michael would act older than the others, which he was, but he tried to have an air around him that he was far more important. Once you'd teased him about it, that ended quickly. Finn was upset upon finding out that Michael had developed a crush on you but he calmed after he and Michael promised that they would always be your friends and on your side, no matter what.

That oath was cashed in far earlier than any of you thought. Michael had been attacked and shipped off to a hospital, everything was in chaos and you'd been called into Tommy's office. Your parents were waiting with him. As well as John.

"We've decided, since you're old enough to marry. That it would be best for our families if they were joined." Your mother explained quickly.
"Which means what exactly?" You asked dubiously, not liking the smile plastered on John's face.

"That you and John will be married." Tommy announced.

John glanced from Tommy to you and smiled until you rolled your eyes, turned on your heels and left the room.


"Michael." Polly sid gently as she roused her son. He groaned as he tried to sit up and spotted a few cards next to him. He looked through them all as Polly talked. He spotted one card that was in her hand.

"Who's that one from?" He asked and she avoids looking at him.

"No one important."

"It is, if it wasn't important you'd give it to me." Michael snapped. He groaned in pain as he moved to snatch it from her and read it through.

"You can't force (Y/N) to marry John!" He said as he read the angry note that you'd stuck to the side of the card.

"No one is forcing her."

"Did anyone ask? Is anyone other than Tommy or John happy about this?" Michael demanded sharply. She didn't answer right away and sighed.

"Tommy thinks it's for the best."

"Well I'm not helping him. I know (Y/N) wouldn't agree, she says so in her letter. You wouldn't let someone do this to Ada."

Polly didn't answer him and he knew from her face that she had argued with Tommy until he shut her out.

"I'm sorry Michael. I know you liked her."

Finn didn't find out about anything until Polly brought it up in the family meeting. She pointed out how much you objected to the arrangement and that she and Michael objected as well.

"There's only two of you objecting." Tommy said through gritted teeth.

"I'm objecting to Tommy." Ada pointed out irritably.

"Me too." Finn said quietly. Everyone in the room turned to stare at him. He fidgeted and ran his hat through his hands before speaking up again. "I'm on (Y/N)'s side. She's our friend and sure she likes John but she doesn't want to marry him. This is how we make her an enemy in our own home. Not make an ally out of her family. I'm not staying if you're making her go through with it."

Tommy watched as Finn left the room. "Here, here!" Polly snapped and followed him out. Ada nodded sharply and joined Polly. The three of them headed to Michael's hospital room where you'd been sitting with him for most of the afternoon.

"We're in cahoots." Ada declared as she took up a chair on Michael's otherside.

"We promised we'd be on your side." Finn said and smiled when Polly squeezed his shoulders and proudly congratulated him on standing up to Tommy.

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