Stolen Lover

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"Why would I ever need to do this?" You asked Finn. When he had offered to take you on a date you thought he'd do what other people had been doing. Get a bite to each and go to the pictures. Not take you to a dirty boxing ring in your best dress.

"What if you needed to protect yourself?" Finn asked and you frowned, cocking your head to one side as he took your coat and you giggled.

"Who in the world would I need to protect myself from?" You asked Finn who didn't answer you but shook his head as if he'd rather not think about it.

"I just... want to teach you the basics... maybe a few other things." Finn explained. He lead you over to one of the training rings that had a bag hanging from the rafters. He started showing you how to form a fist so as not to hurt yourself and whispered a few tips that would work better than a fist fight if you needed it.

This sort of date night carried on for months. At first it was a fun secret to have. You felt like the spies in the story that got posted in the newspaper each week. It was thrilling. Until you told your friend about it. She promptly told everyone about how you and Finn never went on normal dates. The thrill was quickly sucked out and one evening you and Finn argued about the dates.

"I'm sorry Finn. She said she didn't feel to well and wanted to rest." Your mother said as Finn arrived spot on six for your date.

"Is there anything she needs?" He asked quickly. She shook her head and thanked him with a kind smile as he shuffled off not knowing that you'd told your mother what to say after confessing having an argument and telling her you wanted to sit at the docks and think for a moment.


"Who the hell is banging on the bloody door this early. Finn tell them we're not open." Polly said as she fussed over papers on the counting tables. Finn gasped when your distraught mother pushed into the building.

"Is she here? Please tell me she's here. No one has been able to find her but there was a girl attacked at the docks. She went to the docks." She babbled on. Polly straightened her dress and firmly took your mother's arm, leading her to her office.

"Finn, fetch your brothers. Tell Ada to brew a pot of tea and bring down a bottle of whiskey." She said sharply.

"Oh I don't drink." Your mother muttered and Polly raised her eyebrows.

"You'll need it." She advised.

"(Y/N)'s missing." Finn said as he burst into the room his brothers were sat talking in. Ada rose to her feet knowing before Finn could tell her, that your mother would need comforting.

"We'll see what we can do." Tommy assured Finn who was darting back down towards Polly's office.

"I'll see what I can do. This is my fault." Finn said rolling his eyes when his brothers hurried behind him with objections. Ada scolded them as they jostled her teapot and eventually the unruly herd stopped at the sight of Polly cross armed and glowering from her doorway.

"Ada, in there. You boys better find that poor girl." She threatened. They all nodded and Finn was pushed along until they were out in the street.

Most of the day was spent tracking down information and as more time past Finn became more nervous. Then finally a lead came up and the boys rushed to a warehouse. There was no one outside which worried Finn even more. "Maybe she isn't here. We might have got the wrong place!" He said urgently to John who hushed him.

Tommy and Arthur crept closer to the doors which suddenly burst open as a man stumbled out and bolted. When they entered the warehouse they found you stood, glaring at a man who was bleeding profusely from his nose while several other men in similar clothing lay unconscious on the floor.

"You took so long I thought i'd just leave instead of wait for you." You said. You giggled when Finn gawked at you and nodded. "I was kidding. I guess those dates aren't a waste after all. But could we get home instead of all standing around here please?"

Finn and John rushed to get you into the car and to your relieved mother who looked like she'd become devotedly fond of Polly who was pail and looked like she'd ridden a rowboat through a fierce thunderstorm.

"I'm glad you're safe." Finn said as he kissed your cheek and smiled shyly.

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