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"Be careful sweetheart." Your mother called as you pulled on your coat, glancing out at the heavy rain.

"I'll just be at the library, what could happen?" You said jokingly as you waved goodbye. Rushing along the rows of houses you reach the library and hurried to the back row. You weren't normally one to sneak around, especially not so close to dark.

If anyone asked why it was that you got away with sneaking off to the library until closing, the answer would be, that no one thought you could possibly do anything wrong.

The neighbours called you sweet treasure. Parents thought you were a doll and had no clue who you were meeting. "Hi." Finn said nervously.

The youngest of the Shelby brothers, Finn was quieter than his older brothers. He was surprisingly sweet for a Shelby. He'd spotted you at the library and awkwardly asked you to help him learn to read, to impress his aunt.

He'd returned a month later with a victorious grin on his face, informing you that she'd been so impressed that he got a raise. He also presented you with a flower, one that looked alarmingly similar to the prize rose that had gone missing up the street. A reminder that no matter how sweet the youngest Shelby was. He was still a Shelby.

"Hello, Finn. How was your day?" You asked as he led you to a table that was hidden away from any prying eyes. He'd set a meger little picnic dinner on the table with some chipped plates and some water in old jars.

"It was ok. I got to go out with my brothers...." He trailed off and paused, shuffling awkwardly as he fiddled with his hat. "I probably shouldn't tell you about it." He rushed to help you with your chair and smiled sheepishly when you looked delightedly over the few bits of bread and cheese and a little pot of jam he'd brought with him.

"Well I won't pry. Why don't we just sit and enjoy yourself before it closes here." You said cheerfully.

"What the bloody hell is this?" A voice said from the end of the row of books. Finn hopped to his feet and rushed to push the man who was looking at you both away.

"Get out of here Arthur." He complained as he shoved him away.

"Oi, John. I found where Finn keeps popping off." Arthur said. John wandered over and peered at you.

"Got himself a little lady." John muttered to Arthur who started chuckling.

"Will you go away!" Finn begged, almost whining.

"They're having a dinner party. She's already got you wrapped around her finger." Arthur said as he ruffled Finn's hair. "Come on, let's leave them to it." He muttered and motioned for John to leave the two of you. The look on John's face told Finn he was in for a world of teasing once he got home.

Finn Shelby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now