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"Finn!"Tommy bellowed as he, John and Arthur rounded the corner. They were almost at the offices. However outside Finn was pelting a boy a similar age to himself. As his brothers approached Finn tackled the boy to the floor, shouting something as they went.

"Off him!" Arthur said as he yanked Finn up by the back of his coat. Finn stumbled away but glared at the boy. Arthur decided to keep a tight grip on his youngest brother, just in case.

"Take this, don't tell anyone what happened." Tommy said quickly as he shoved a wad of money at the other boy who stumbled away with a bloodied nose.

Once he was gone Finn yanked himself away from them and over to you. None of the older brothers had noticed you stood in one of the nearby alleyways, shoved safely under Isaiah's arm.

"You ok?" Finn asked gently as he awkwardly took your hand. Tommy went to shout at the pair of them but he noticed your skinned knees and a mark on your face that looked like it would bruise.

"What happened?" John asked as he followed Finn and looked at you, spotting that you must have been crying.

"That idiot was grabbing at her, dragging her along the ground. Had to do something." Finn said with a firm frown on his face.

"Well let's get you to Poll. She can get you feeling better in no time." Arthur said as John and Tommy shared a glance and looked down the road where the boy had retreated.


Polly had cleaned you up and set you in the back room that had a large armchair and the phone. She rang up Ada and left you, wrapped up in blankets with a drink and Ada on the other end of the phone.

"What happened?" Polly snapped as soon as she entered her living room. All of the Shelby boys, even Michael and Isaiah were gathered around her kitchen table.

"That kid attacked her! He was going on about revenge for something Tommy did. I had to do something!" Finn said quickly. Isaiah joined in defending Finn and explaining what he had seen. Polly sighed and held up a hand which silenced them both.

"How are you going to deal with this?" She asked Tommy.

"I saw who it was, Poll. I've got it under control." Tommy answered quickly.

"Well that is brilliant but how are we going to keep her safe? How will we be explaining to her family what had happened?"

"I can teach her to fight." Finn offered when no one else answered.

"That'll do for now I suppose, you need to sort this out or I'll be finding a way to have her sent to stay with Ada." Polly warned. Tommy agreed as he led Arthur and John out of the building to deal with it, as Polly had put it.

Finn walked you home and was back at your door the next morning. You haven't slept brilliantly so having him insisting that you rush off with him before breakfast didn't go over well.

"Ok. So you need to listen to me." Finn said as he walked back and forth in front of you. He had been giving you a talk on what to do if you needed to defend yourself. You still hadn't had breakfast and it was almost twelve.

"I have been listening!" You complained.

"Oh... Ok well then. Just copy me." He put his hands up in a fist and started jabbing his arms out. You copied him, jabbing out until he paused to correct your stance or how you clenched your fists. He kept drilling you until you accidently smacked his arm.
"I haven't done a very good job, you didn't hit me very hard." He commented.

"Hey! I'm learning and I haven't had breakfast!" You complained. Finn's eyes went wide and he grabbed your arm, dragging you towards the door of the warehouse you'd been practising in.

"I was supposed to get you breakfast... don't tell Polly she's doing a big lunch anyway." He said, half begging as he grabbed your hand and ran towards the Shelby offices. You could see the family piling into some cars outside.

"Just in time to get back for lunch!" John cheered when he saw the two of you and beckoned you into the car he was getting into.

Finn Shelby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now