Chapter 10 | Awaken

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(Lily's pov)

A woman stood before me.

Long silver hair, striking silver eyes, a long white dress her appearance screamed beauty and power.

She walked right through me like she couldn't see me, she walked to a girl, I couldn't see her face she had her back to me, her long black hair splattered with blood I furrowed my eye brows in confusion, I didn't dare to look around.

My head began to ache, again these shock like headaches plaguing my brain, I felt massive pressure on my body, I couldn't move..I was paralysed.

The girl turned around, my breath stopped I felt my lungs tighten.

"This can't be.." I mumbled under my breath my mind still in the state of shock and disbelief, my headache got rapidly worse by the second, my ears are ringing.

The girl had raven black hair, a black leather jacket. it had blood on it, her hands were claw like, they were the same as her clothes, blood tainted.

The girl standing there was me.

I was standing there in the middle of a massacre.

I was standing there with bloodshed red eyes and tears faling down my face.

I...I looked like a puppet, my eyes were empty of any emotion, the endless stream of tears were running down my face, I looked lifeless. My face hard, monotone. I looked like I didn't give a shit about the bloody corpse around me.

It's a memory.

My memory.

The lady walked to my old self, I felt hate growing in me, that person was the Moon goddess the person who sealed my fate and made me the monster I am.

She spoke "You my child sinned, you killed thousands of people," she shook her head. My older self stared at her, venom.

"Give her back" my voice started weak " GIVE HER BACK TO ME!" "Aren't you a so called goddess? bring her back to me, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS!!" I screamed a heart aching cry, words of agony leaving my lips.

"Your punishment will be cruel" the goddess continued, I was on my knees, my hair covering my eyes, tears running down my face making contact with the blooded ground.

The Moon goddess looked unaffected, she raise her hand her index finger pointing at my head.

She muttered something before everthing around us stopped, the wind, the sound of the animals the moans of the dying pack members.

Before she did anything I whispered to her" I curse you! I curse you Moon goddess, God. I DON'T CARE! I CURSE YOU ALL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME" I screamed looking up, The goddess didn't wait longer and touched my head with her finger.

I fell backwards my eyes were open, my now soulless body lying on the ground like all the others.


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