Chapter 36 | "Nothing happened"

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(Arian's pov )

I never thought the day would come where I am marked by my mate.

"Tell! What happened!" Jenn and Leony asked in synch, they came to my room in the morning, they are determined to not leave untill I tell them .

Apparently Jake was also in the room but slept on the couch, they threw him out of the room before I woke up.

"You can clearly see what happened" I huffed at them pointing at the mark, where my shoulder and neck meet.

"We want the juicy details, duh!" Leony sassed back.

"If we are at it, you can explain the ring" Jenn pointed to my hand, wiggling her eyebrows.

I miss shy Jenn.

"Chill, it wasn't a big deal"

"...that little smirk that is creeping on your lips says otherwise" Jenn crossed her arms.

okay caught.

I might be a little...on cloud 9.

"Okay okay"

I began to tell them what happened, leaving some parts out for them. My mind goes back to yesterday.

(Flash back)

Jake laughed after he and Aether switched again.

"What are you doing to us" he chuckled while dusting off his jacket from the ground,  putting it around me.

Taking my hand, and his pants with the two bags...

What! How did I not notice! He was half half naked?

Because you were staring at his trained chest.

So were you.

"This isn't quite over yet" he smiled back at me, dragging me by my hand to the waterfall.

I decided to not nag like everytime, and just watch him.

There was a narrow path of rocks by the waterfall, he went forward, holding my hand tight in his. It lead behind the waterfall to a cave, my eyes widened at the cozy looking cave, blue fairy lights, a rug, and a small couch.

He let my hand loose to admire my surroundings, I was truly suprised by this, the waterfall was like a curtain sheltering this cave from anyone's eyes.

"I used to hide here, when everything became too much. A small shelter no one knows about this except me and you now" I looked at him, the dim fairy lights creating soft shadows adding to his sharp features, his smile so calm in the light.

And he had his pants on...dang it.

Sitting on the couch, he opened his arms wide, closing and opening his hand to prove his point "Come here" it was adorable I must admit.

Tightening the jacket around me I went to his wide open arms. I sat in his his lap without a word, which was awkward, but hearing his relaxed humm made all awkwardness fade into comfortable silence.

I could feel his breath brushing my neck as he buried his face in my hair, "Jake, you know my hair is still wet and smells weird from our swim" I tried to push his head back he wouldn't budge an inch.

"Are you sure it is the only thing wet-" it was Aether's voice but he was cut off with Jake hissing after him.

"F*ck off Aether" Jake growled.

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