Chapter 59 | You Are Lost

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First update 1/2
There is another chapter posted after this

"You look like you just saw hell sweetheart" Francis snapped his fingers, his head shaking asking for an explanation.

"I did. It must be hard to look in the mirror everyday and see it too" Arian muttered back sarcastically.

"I am pretty hot" he took a step forward waving his knife around wearing a cocky grin on his lips.

Arian knew what she had to do.

The Moon goddess can't kill anyone since she can't interfere that way, but she can take Francis his powers away which means his body will become mortal again.

The Moon goddess' powers he has within him are the only thing keeping him alive. His body will turn to ashes the moment the moon goddess can extract the powers from him.

Why she hasn't done it from the beginning?

Because he had his presence veiled in such a way that the moon goddess can't tell where he has been. And if she even came near him he would know instantly since his guard was always up and on full alert. This is the only time he's made himself fully vulnerable.

Arian has to distract him that much that the moon goddess has a chance to take what is hers.

Her breath hitched at her mate's voice as he prayed for this to end.

"This will end--" Arian spoke up, her voice ringing through the forest "I promise" she tilted her head back to watch his blood painted body shaking.

"You are right, it will all end if your moon goddess would just...come out" Francis waved arms around.

"She is not a goddess, not a god, not a celestial holy being. She is b*tch who loves seeing her puppets dance. She won't come Francis" Arian slowly rolled up her ripped sleeves.

"oh oh, someone has a little beef with the holy goddess" Francis pouted his lips. "Why don't you help me? We could be allies."

Arian's lips twitched as her eyes admired the blood painted ground. Her hand swiped away the blood that dripped down the edge of her lips. Sliver shone her eyes as they locked with Francis. Her fists rose taking a fighting stance "F*ck you"

"I could arrange that" he smiled at her.

"you wish" she whispered. Her legs moved on their own running towards their opponent.

Arian felt the wind rushing through her hair, her blood pulsing through her veins making her aware that the crimson liquid still bumps through her.

She is alive.

She felt alive.

Her fist flew straight to his jaw which he dodged with ease, both his hands buried in his pockets. Arian's eyes flickered to the dagger that disappeared from his hands but is now stuck deep into the tree he had leaned onto.

Arian again tried to demolish his pretty face with another punch to the right, which was only a hit in the air.

Her vision began to blur, she stretched her hands out trying to regain her vision.

"WHERE ARE YOU!" She screamed.

"I am right here sweetheart" she felt his presence behind her. His arms wrapled around her waist, he stopped her hand that was aimed at his face. Wirds dripping with venom escaping his lips "you little mate will die, because you killed him...and you will die too"

Arian didn't try to move, she fell limp in his grip.

"You are right" she mumbled.

He let her go, leaving her with no energy to lift herself up.

A sick smile adorned his face "This...all of this. You never were meant to be happy Arian. Isn't that what you feel? You think it is finally coming to an end. All people are leaving you. Even this Alpha and his mate haven't showed up you think they gave you up?"

"Your mommy and daddy hated you after you had Lily, isn't that so? Don't look so surprised, you were the only sign of your goddess that I had. I had to learn everything about you. How your brother left you. How the future Alpha had his way with you. How you killed those pack memebers... which was only her work" he tsked "rejected, decived and broken. You remind me of myself" he muttered to himself.

He was right, they were similar.

Both were left with nothing but betrayal from those around them.

Arian gritted her teeth suppressing the pain of the countless cuts and bruises that wouldn't heal because she was holding back.

She slowly raised herself, atempting to stand on her unsteady legs "I might have killed people for revenge, from sadness and desperation, maybe because I liked the feeling holding their lives in my hands, maybe because I envied their peaceful state after their soul left their bodies. But I never stopped regretting. Not a single day passed where I didn't want to change what I did or how I am. I am not like you"

"I am seeing my mistakes and trying to fix them, to change. But are long lost in your sick are lost" Arian stumbled back a lazy smile on her lips.

"Finally" Arian mumbled.

"Sorry it took a while" the moon goddess' voice came out as a breathless whisper.

Francis' eyes widen in horror "NO!" His gaze snapped to the knife he carelessly left in the tree.

The first words he uttered to the person, he once loved but now loathed with all he had, after thousend of years.

"Kill me if you can" he sneered.


Short but there is another one.

Don't forget to



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