Chapter 54 | Time

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Read the A/N in the end if you find the chapter a little complicated *sorry I tried to make it as simple as possible*


Not a trace of emotion stilled on Arian's face.

All feelings disappeared within her, the cold numbness residing in her mind. She was wiped out of any feelings...but it seemed that this aching pain in her heart wouldn't disappear with them no matter how hard she tried, she still felt the piercing pain of losing her daughter.

It hurt because this what enjoys the shade of her blood, wasn't her Lily, it wasn't her daughter who she yearned for to finally hold her in her arms, it was something else. Something...sad...a shell of her daughter.

Seeing this girl's, hazel eyes and dark blonde hair made it painfully true, her daughtr was gone. It was worse than seeing her lifeless body, it was worse than seeing her blood splattered on the ground.

It was worse than this torture. Seeing Lily...was worse than living these 600 years mourning over her.

Arian's heavy lids parted, she could see again. She looked down at her still chained body, red, alls he could see was the colour red, it was a deep crimson colour. Lily promised to paint her mother in the beautiful colour red, and the little girl did a good job at keepping it. Just now Arian had the opportunity to see her daughter's painting, herself.

Lily wanted the end work of hers to be a surprise for Arian, so the little girl gladly made sure Arian couldn't peek.

Lily stabbed Arian's eyes out.

Her sweet daughter's words as she did it would have made Arian laugh if she felt anything but numbness.

"Lights out mommy, you will love this surprise" Lily had said.

The knives were gone, they were no longer rammed in her stomach nor thighs. The piercing silver around her neck was gone, she was only chained on the chair by her legs and arms. She beared the whole week without losing consciousness, when she finally did Lily was gone, her wounds were healed. Arian had to admit.

"Lily really does know how to make my little stay enjoyable" she muttered to herself, her voice so ice cold that it would have made anyone shiver under its tone.

The last...endless hours came rushing back to Arian's mind. She was left with Lily for what it seems like hours, but she knew better than to think that. It has been a week. A whole week with her little daughter. If she had heard about this months ago she would have sold her soul to even have an hour with her baby girl.

Arian understood one thing in this week, in these endless hours of bone crushing, heart shattering torture.

She wanted to save Lily.

She wanted to save her.

It's sad...almost a shame Arian thought.

Lily was happily asking Arian questions, humming melodies, and just talking like a 6 year old who wanted to know her mother, the sincerity and innocence in her every word made Arian almost believe it was her daughter if it wasn't for the fact Lily was doing all this while re-decorating her guts, gushing about the deep rich colour of her abdomen.

She wanted to save her, and that kill her.

There was no other way, Arian wants to give Lily what she never had....what she didn't deserve.




"Arian" a worried voice said.

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