Chapter 60 | Smile

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The second one. This is the last chapter before the epilogue.
More infos at the bottom

"Kill me if you can" he sneered.

Francis knew that this will not end well for him. He underestimated us and now he will pay the price.

"You know I can't. That is why you were so sure of your win, Francis" the goddess spoke.

Francis shook in loud laughter. He didn't attempt to turn aroun, he was frozen on his spot. "So you want to take your powers back instead?" His fingers trembled.

The moon goddess raised her hand but stopped mid air, her eyes widening. Francis trembling hand didn't get unnoticed by her, nor from Arian.

He is scared.

The same thought struck the moon goddess. She looked different this time.

Long mid-back white hair, a long dress that didn't seem from this time. Her facial features changed too. Heart shaped face and sun-kissed skin that contrasted sharply with her silver hair.

The thought crossed her mind that this might have been the moon geddess' original human form. She wanted to see him off in the same form she first has met him.

"Turn around" the goddess demanded her voice shaking.

Never has she looked more human to Arian.

Francis did as he was told, he looked down at the short framed white haired goddess. His breath stopped at the familiar sight of his mate. She rested her hand on his heart feeling his thumbing organ pulsing.

"Why haven't you even tried to fight? The ancient knife was just metres away...why did you just give up?" She asked him, her silver eyes piercing in his.

"I hate you" he spoke with every fiber of his being, "you left me alone on this damned world. You broke my heart and left me...heck you should have killed me when you had the chance. But You didn't,WHY!" he growled his words out in distate.

Her hand pressed harder against his chest. He hissed at the feeling.

Arian could only watch the scene unfold in front of her. Seeing the goddess physically touching something was a miracle but the only reason she is able to touch him is because a part of herself is in him, the powers she gave him.

Francis' hand cupped hers on his chest, sizzling sound was heard. The moon goddess' hand was absorbing the powers within him, which caused him great pain, "Instead you gave me half of your powers" his grip on her hand tightened, "You couldn't kill me because you still love me, isn't it so?" He smiled at her, his eyes dark in rage.

"I loved you. I couldn't watch you die and was naive enough to think you could move on. That you might love me enough to let me go...but I was wrong" her pained voice stired his rage more.

He leaned down their noses inches apart, while their eyes locked in an intense stare battle. Francis kept pressing her hand harder against him, it would only be a matter of time until there is nothing left in him to keep him alive "It wasn't that I didn't love you enough to let you go...but that I loved you too much to give you up. I thought the moment I see you again I would be able to let you feel my hatred, my revenge. Now...look at me. Throwing years of hatred away to look you in the eyes just once more"

"I wanted to kill you. I still do. I don't want to leave this world without you." Francis coughed, red liquid running down his chin and nose.

"F*ck this. I know how messed up I am. I know this was wrong but I don't regret it and I want to be damned if I don't go to hell for it...but one last thingg" Francis closed the space between them. The kiss didn't differ from the burning pain he feels with their hands pressed together.

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