Characters Magazine [pleeease read]

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*cough* please read *puppy dog eyes*

"Betrayed by Fate" is being Interviewed by Characters Magazine.

From the name, it is a magazine which interviews characters.

In previous issues they have interviewed characters from books like "Unseen Messages", "When I'm Gone" and "The Consequence of Loving Colton". They asked me if they could feature Jake and Arian in their next issue! (Trust me I was confused too).

They also have an app, it is available for iTunes and Google play.

I am here to ask you...

If you have any questions for Arian or Jake, please use the link attached to the chapter or the one on my board and profile. It is a google form which you just have to fill, nothing  crazy. It is simpler than it sounds trust me.

You can ask Jake or Arian any qusetion...please do *pouts* (I am actually laughing because I am scared that no one will ask and I stand here like a loser lmfao 😂😂.)

You can ask as many questions as you want...please don't let me stand there like I my readers are dead and are not interested lol. *I am wheezing this is too funny, I never thought I would make a chapter like this looool*

I doubt there will be even 2 questions, just a stomach feeling. BUT YOLO!

Ah and please leave a comment here who you think would suit Jake (like in appearance, some actor or any person because I need a reference)

Maybe also for Arian but I think I have someone in mind.

My logic, let me just put the link everywhere just in case:

Thank you

...bye? Pray for the next udate...I might be dead before that because math is also coming after me.


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