Chapter 47 | Zaire

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Thank you so much MythicalStorm16
For this wonderful cover <3 ^^

(Arian's pov)

Jake's wound is doing a lot better. He also says he doesn't have any memory of yesterday but I have a feeling he is lying just to not face the embarrassment.

He even threw me out of his hospital room, that prick. After I ran after him through half the pack with a Luke in a dress beside me. What is reputation? Never heard of that.

He is acting..weird.

I am not worried about his silver wound anymore but his headaches, they seem to get worse these days. He passed out a couple times from the immense pain. Even Savannah came by, she was the one who has kept an eye on him since his headaches started. She wasn't able to explain his headaches from his young age till now.

Jake being him threw me out without a word.

Maybe he couldn't bear my face anymore, I couldn't blame him. I didn't put any effort into hiding my worry.

I am scared.

I, Arian, am scared.

After what Luke told me, my worry doubled.

"Hey, Arian? Are you there?" Jenn's voice interrupted my way of thoughts.

" why are you worried about Zaire again?" I asked.

We were sitting on a park bench, kids were running around playing tag at this noon.

"He has been working every day without a day off, he hasn't slept much the last month. Even when I asked him to take a day off he gives me this look...which makes me want to punch him" she grumbled.

"What look?"

"A pained 'You-wouldn't-understand' look. I can't force him to rest if he gives me that damn look! All he has been doing is work or more like research-"

That caught my attention "Did you see what it was?" I glanced at her nonchalantly.

"It was...something about dreams and Alpha visions. Do you think.." her face twisted into a thoughtful frown.

"Think what?" I pressured a little.

"He...has been having a bad night sleep since he had that nightmare...I couldn't get him to wake up until I splashed cold water on him. He looked at me like I was some ghost, so scared..." she nibbled on her thumb.

"Don't worry, he will get himself together. Just make sure he doesn't forget he needs to eat. Workaholics tend to do that" I added as I stood up and so did she.

"He really does forget, he is such a kid sometimes" she sighed.

"Jenn, are you...happy?" I glanced at her as we walked the path out of the park.

Maybe it is the fact she still reminds me of Lily, even if it is her physical features and calm nature.

Or that she reminds me of what I went through, I just want to hear it from her.

I want to see Lily happy. I know it is selfish and pathetic of me to see Lily in Jenn. I know it is wrong but I still do it. Because it feels like I can redeem my past where I couldn't save Lily. I saved Jenn. Now that she is here, did I help her be happy?

Again, pathetic I know.

"Right now? No, I am more angry at Zaire than happy," she huffed "I thought when I find my mate I would have my happy ending, but I am still living, so this is not the ending yet and there are yet so many difficulties to be life could end on a high or low note, not knowing which it will be is the charm of life. Everything could still happen. You can't always be happy" she smiled.

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