Chapter 40 | "I won't"

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[Edit] Thank you MallikaSarabhai for this lovely cover! ❤

I would have done this earlier but I couldn't find the e-mail.
It kind of got lost...I don't know a lot about emails..don't judge.

(Arian's pov)

"Hey, Jake?"

"Hmm?" He hummed in response.

"If you don't let me go I will sh*t my pants," I said dead serious, hoping it will help me a second time.

"Haha, this won't help you this time, Love. And besides, you are wearing shorts. After what happened in the restaurant you won't even let me have this? I get it if you want to run to him, go" he loosened his grip around my waist and turned his back to me.

Pregnant much?

Don't worry, we still haven't mated so need to get baby clothes. are hopeless.

After that incident Jake was sulking the whole time, ignoring everything I said, he was mad and accused me that I planned this.

Man, yours wasn't even half bad than mine, trust me. Let a guy with a short dress...who is also wearing a slip underneath...the horror, bright makeup face, and hairy legs come up to you, sit on your lap, crushing your legs by their weight...and F*CKING having porn moans on full blast coming somewhere attached to their body. And that wasn't the worst.

I see a pattern in Luke's plans.

I asked him how I can make it up to him, I would have lectured him that he got away with just this much embarrassment but I after what Luke put him through today, I guess this was the least I could do.

He wanted to cuddle.

I thought it was cute.

But being wrapped with two strong arms for 3 hours, in the same position, without moving...this is driving me insane.

I like to cuddle, who doesn't like to cuddle?

It is a gives a save warm feeling.

But he was stiff and silent.

So here I am trying to get out of his grip, which I succeeded, but now Jake has made a 180 mood swing and is sulking again.

I propped my upper body up to look over Jake's back and see if he really is sulking, "I wouldn't have done this, and I am here for you, but just lying here is so boring-"

I swear I saw his eyes gleaming with mischief before he pulled me to his side, once again caged in his arms. My eyes glued shut from the sudden movement, I braced myself for what is coming.

"Look at me"

I hesitated, I didn't want to be met with a grumpy jealous Jake, even though it is attractive if a man is jealous, it shows that he cares, but it is always a hazard to deal with. I opened my eyes anyways.

I jerked away in surprise as I realized that his lips were inches away, I bet I looked like a deer in headlights, his warm smile confusing me. Wasn't he mad at me?

Someone give me a guide to a man's mind.

"You look beautiful" he gave me a dazzling smile.

What?...maybe we should really check if he is pregnant...maybe the apple pie-

His soft lips cut my string of thoughts, he caressed my forehead, brushing the stray strand of hair from my eyes, I didn't give it much attention. My mind was focused on the soft rhythm our lips danced to.

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