Chapter 44 | Leave

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I really like this song.
I think it suits Jake's side of the story (his thoughts and feelings) pretty well,
So I hope you will listen to the lyrics.

Song: Right here.
Ashes Remain.

(Arian's pov)

Where is he?

Is he okay?

Will he leave me too?

We stood in front of his room, I sighed in relief to see it was a normal room and not some emergency room.

The doctor told us to wait a moment to check if he is awake, Jenn was holding my arm, I was really close to bursting through the door.

The doctor came out of the room closing the door behind her securely.

"He is awake but I don't know if it is okay if you go in..." she trailed off.

"Why?-" I asked a little too harshly frankly I didn't care at that moment.

Zaire held his hand in front of my face signing me to shut up. I glared at him and he gladly returned it.

"Why?" He asked in a more calm tone.

"He was...really demanding when he told me not to tell anyone...I had to promise not to call you, Alpha, otherwise he wouldn't have let me tend his wound" she answered visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

She didn't keep her word, which is fine by me.

Why did he want to keep it to himself?

"Has he told you how he got the injury?" Zaire asked eyeing me from the side.

I am pretty sure he would give me the fault, but he knows I was with his mate and Leony almost all day.

Just for thinking that I would kick him in the nuts...but I think Jenn wants pups.

You are saved for now Zaire.

"No-" she didn't get to finish because I brushed past her through the door.

What is he thinking!

Not even telling how he got 'who knows what' wound with silver!

Is he dumb? Doesn't he care?

If he did he would have said something.

I opened the door with a loud thud, my heart stopped at the smell of blood. He was lying on the pack hospital bed propped up with pillows.

His eyes squinted, he groaned in pain "Doc...I told you please don't make so much noise my headache is getting worse-" he gulped his words down as he met my furious gaze.

Oh, no sympathy from me babe.

He raised his hand which didn't have a thick bandage around it "Hey love-"

"Don't," I glared at him.

He lowered his hand awkwardly not meeting my eyes, his attention snapped to the door. The rest came in the room, I caught the quick glare he threw at the doctor.

"Didn't I tell you to not-" he looked a little pissed at the doctor.

"She did what she is supposed to do, you dumba*s" Zaire and I scowled in synch, earning a surprised look from Jenn and Jake.

Zaire pinched the bridge of his nose muttering "This is really not my day."

The pleasure is all mine. I rolled my eyes.

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