Chapter 49 | Save her

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I woke up by the sweet smell of pancakes. My eyes flattered open adjusting to the bright light, I saw the outline of a shirtless Jake putting down a tray.

I groaned and covered my eyes from the dazzling light, or maybe from Jake's sculpted chest with the perfect defined muscles, it never made sense to me why higher ranked werewolves looked like greek gods...okay maybe it did make sense since power also comes from beauty in a twisted way which shouldn't be a thing but that is how this world works, if you can get a a free hotel room with just winking at the receptionist I call that a freaking super power.... I don't need a hormonal teenager moment in the morning thank you very much.

Can't stop thinking about his six-pack? You are coming to the dark side.

I don't think Jake brought any beer. I smirked at her, I know what she meant but I like to twist words.

The strong mixture of Jakes cologne and scent made me sigh in content, we are in his room, I don't know how he got me here without me waking up I guess yesterday knocked me out for good, I feel rather refreshed now.

"Good morning Love" Jake's husky morning voice send shivers down my spine, my heart melted at his soft tone. This man is dangerous for my heart, I felt my heart stopping yet strangely skipping beats.

Okay, hands down. Who wouldn't want to wake up to that?

"Morning Jake." my voice coming out hoarse pleading for water to gulp down the raspy feeling. I adjusted my body leaning on the headboard. I rubbed my eyes yawning.

Jake leaned down to me, his muscular arms trapping my body between them, he tilted his head to look at me "Your hubby brought you breakfast in bed...don't I deserve a little reward love?" My stomach flipped at the mischievous glint in his eyes. His minty breath reminding me of my own breath which was not that pleasant seeing that I just woke up. I sucked in my lips.

He was about lean in but stopped with a frown "Stop doing that". I stared back at him trying to send him my message somehow. Morning breath equals no kiss.

I looked away from him answering curtly "Morning breath". I glanced at him, he almost snorted as if my reason was ridiculous I was tempted to huff but we were too close. His hands shifted and I thought he was leaning back but I was wrong when his rough hand gently tilted my head to him and planted a slow kiss on my lips, my eyes widen at his sudden action, a light bubbly feeling dominating my stomach.

That was sly.

And damn my hormones, I liked it.

He chuckled and planted a kiss on my forehead his hand brushing a strand behind my ear "Those lips are mine. Don't be a tease and withhold what is mine" his eyes a hypnotic dark blue sending chills throughout my body, a blush crept on my cheeks the heat almost making me dizzy with the jolts of pleasure clouding my mind.

F*ck, this shouldn't make me feel so...needy. I can't believe I am enjoying his little act of posessiveness.

You let you guard down.

Maybe yesterday made you finally click and trust him more.

Dahlia stilled for a second her voice turning to a whisper.

Damn...I want to lick those abs.

Her words made my eyes flicker to Jake's bare torso.

...sadly, I have to agree. I am stooping to your level.

Come to the dark side.

Many Dapttaw users are here, you will love them.

Who is on the dark side?

No one....*cough*

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