Epilogue |3| Story

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⚠️Long Chapter ahead!⚠️
What did you think this disclaimer is about, huh?

Ah, and what do you think of the new cover?
Thanks again to kaori_nakahodo !! ❤💕


"Zaire, Jenn and Arian sat in an office."

"One looked terrified."

"The other confused--"

"Cut the shi- crap out!" Zaire growled out the bad S words almost slipping his tongue, he had made progress in not cussing but Arian was bringing the worst out in him.

Arian abruptly stopped her narrating. She silently continued to rock on her chair. Her hands resting in between her criss-crossed legs.

"Just give us your damn story. I am done with this weird crap of yours. Just crossing here after a year, nobody remembered you except us and even Jake's mark disapeard right before he woke up. I tried to search for you in the hope you could help Jake when he was out cold without a reason but NOOO nothing helped, not even witches! Witches Arian! We thought you were dead!" Zaire rufflee his hair frustrated. Arian glanced at Jenn who already had tears in her eyes at the mention.

Arian opened her mouth but no words came out for a few seconds. What could she possibly tell them that wouldn't make them either angry or sad "....the mark disappeared the moment I turned fully mortal, it took three months for me to turn mortal again, and because the mark bonded our souls together even though lightly Jake was affected by the process. If we had mated fully and our souls would have melted together.

...we wouldn't be mates anymore...it would be as if I died...if this happened just a few moths later I wouldn't have been so lucky. That is why he was in a coma. And the mark disapeard as an aftermath of my change, I am no longer a Bookman, my scent is no longer there...you see...the process almost killed Dahlia, my wolf. I don't have a scent because she is slowly dying, I have at most a month before she dies and I become human" Arian breathed out, her nails were digging in her legs.

If Dahlia dies she will die too.

Not that Dahlia's death would kill her, she wouldn't be able to live without her. Dahlia is the only reason she kept going. Why she wanted to change. Arian owed her at least that.

If Dahlia is gone too, there is no one left to keep her from ending her life. Arian thought to herself humorlessly.

"That is...horrible" whispered to herself but Arian heard her.

It was. Arian knew that.

"And the....killing the moon goddess thing. Were you joking? Please tell me you were joking" Zaire face grimaced afraid of her answer.

Having the werewolf who killed the moon goddess in your pack is not the smartest idea.

"I did kill her. But that doesn't mean that she is gone forever. Somewhere on this world she will be reborn...her energy and powers can't be destroyed, just wander to the next soul to clense and make them the creator" Arian sighed "the only way I was able to kill this moon goddess is because I used the ancient dagger Francis had...he had planned to kill her with it but she killed him first...and I took it"

"Goddess, queen, creator...I don't care what she was or who she was...I am glad I killed her" Venom dripping from her voice.

Zaire and Jenn didn't dare to utter a word as a dangerous aura built around Arian. Anyone who could sense it would assume that she wasn't human nor werewolf...she was like a demon. Dark, dangerous, and fearsome.

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