Chapter 1

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     A five-year-old Percy ran through the dark, mysterious alleys of Gotham city

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     A five-year-old Percy ran through the dark, mysterious alleys of Gotham city. It was summer, and Sally decided that she should spend the day at the park. That would've been great if Sally hadn't made Smelly Gabe tag along.

    At first, Percy didn't mind Smelly Gabe. He was nice, kind. He made mom happy. Then, after they got married he started to shed the lie and show his true colors.

   Sally didn't complain though. She never said one word against Smelly Gabe. Sally was too good for her own good and wouldn't let his attitude affect how nice she treated him.

    Percy often asked her mom to leave him. After Smelly Gabe hit her mother once, Percy questioned her mom about why she won't. What makes him special? What makes him important enough to treat her like that?

   "He's good to us, Percy. One day you'll see that all he has done for us was worth it."

   That all lead up to their family vacation to Gotham city, where Sally was born and raised. Sally always gushed about Gotham, how it was filled with great buildings and great people.

    Percy didn't see what was great about the place. It felt like in Gotham you were either rich or poor. There didn't seem to be much of an in between. You're either successful or you're a villain.

   Percy didn't really know what to call someone bad except by calling him (or her) a villain. She watched too many cartoons.

   She didn't think that people were actually bad. She didn't understand that part of the world yet. However, she did know that not all good people are good. Gabe left the TV on sometimes to something too gruesome for a five-year-old to see. She saw weapons, she saw the news.

   What was worse than knowing that actually existed in real life was that when she once went to Gabe a short time after the marriage, she asked him if he can turn it off and go to something like Tom and Jerry. He just rolled his eyes, got a beer, and told her to suck it up and watch whatever was available at the moment because that is real life.

   As the family started to enjoy their trip in Gotham, Gabe started to complain about how many poker games he is missing and how Sally should make him more dip.

   Sally just smiled and told him that he should start to enjoy the vacation more so he can get home to his poker games earlier. She then went off to make him more dip.

   After that, that got Gabe's hopes up more. "Sally! I'm taking the kid to the park!" Is what Percy heard before Gave grabbed her arm and lead her to the door, with the usual look that said 'do what I say or you'll regret it'

   Percy just nodded at the loom and let him lead her to the door. Once outside, they went to the park and Gabe left her there with the directions 'don't go anywhere unless you want to get hurt. I'll come back for you when I feel like it.'

   With that, Percy was alone in the park with no supervision at all. She just shrugged and didn't think much about it.

   She started to play around with other kids. She climbed on the monkey bars, jumped off, and joined the other kids who were her age.

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