Chapter 27

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   "Pudding, I don't think we got an invitation

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   "Pudding, I don't think we got an invitation."

   "No, I don't suppose we have." 

   "What the Hades..." Percy whispered as the music paused and she stood in place, turning around to find two uninvited guests. 

  Bruce, immediately looking over Percy's shoulder to see what was wrong, took her arm and pulled her behind him, ignoring how she almost tripped over her dress. 

   Gotham's Prince stood in front of his bride in protectiveness as he made sure to hold her behind him, causing her to roll her eyes as she fought back lightly against his hold, knowing that the two nutjobs were not going to ruin her wedding day. 

    Through the corner of his mouth, Bruce whispered as so only Percy could hear, "Calm down and don't fight. We have hundreds of people here that are watching." 

    Percy shook her head as she went and reached into his suit pocket, where she had slipped Riptide in before they had gotten ready for the wedding. 

     "These two need some serious help. And I am fully volunteering to go and admit them where they can effectively get better. One way ticket to Arkham, let's go." 

     Bruce turned halfway as to look Percy in the eyes as he said, "We are going to move, and try to get everyone to the manor as quick as possible." 

    "Then what? You and I disappear as to 'stay inside protected' but in reality be kicking butt? Cause I'm all for that!" Percy enthusiastically whispered to her now-husband. 

    Bruce gave her a disapproving look, "I'm not letting that happen. Go inside. Stay inside." 

    "But I can help!" Percy whisper shouted as she saw in the corner of her eyes the halfbloods hurrying everyone inside, Annabeth probably having thought the same thing as Bruce.

    "You might be able to help, but you are not going to help!" Bruce started to raise his voice as he fully turned around and grabbed her wrists, looking urgently into her eyes, "I'm not going to let you fight on this important day! And especially not when it is those two!" 


     "NO! Persephone, get inside right now! 

      "You are not the boss of me!" Percy basically spat at him as she forced her wrists out of his grip. 

     "I might not be, but that doesn't mean that I can't protect you!" 

     "That still doesn't make you the boss," Percy glared at him in anger as she looked around, making sure that there were no mortals that did not know her secret around. 

    And besides, the only mortals who knew her secret were Bruce, Alfred, Sally, and Paul. 

   No, Clark Kent and Richard Grayson did not know that she was a demigod. They did not even know that she had any sort of special abilities. They just assumed that she was good at helping Bruce behind-the-scenes and that she learned how to fight. 

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