Chapter 16

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"Hi Sally" Bruce said, waving at her with an apologetic smile

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"Hi Sally" Bruce said, waving at her with an apologetic smile.



Bruce's eyes widened in alarm as Sally took a threatening step towards the duo. She couldn't believe it, after all these years of searching for him he comes back home without a scratch on him.

He left them. He left Percy. She was a mess, and what did he do? He went and did gods knows what while she was worried.

She practically raised him, and that was how he repays her. No anger in the world can probably compare to the one Sally Jackson felt at the moment.

However, as she took step by step near the boy-turned-man, she can't find it in her to actually do anything to him.

The important thing at the moment was that he was back, and Percy was smiling and laughing more than she ever had in many years. That was all that mattered.

So, as Sally got right in front of Gotham's favorite billionaire, she pulled him in one if her famous hugs. She felt him stiffen in the hug at first, but then let loose and started to hug her back.

As they let go of the warm embrace, she smiled at him and then turned back around to Paul and Andromeda. The seven year old Andy immediately went up to her mother and tugs on her pants and hides behind her.

Andy casts Bruce a shy look then quickly turned away once he smiled at her.

"Who's this?" He asks with a kind smile that can make girls swoon.

"That's a great question," Sally says sarcastically before turning to her youngest, "Who are you?"

The tiny girl, with a lisp that can make people melt, stutters under the four gazes of the adults. "A-a-Andy"

"Andy, is that short for anything?" He asks with another smile that makes Percy's stomach do flips.

"Yes.... Andlomeda" she shyly says, her messing up the letter 'r' with 'l'.

"It's nice to meet you, Andromeda." And with that he kneels on his knees and takes out his hand to see if she would shake or high-five it.

Immediately, she sees it and balls up her hand in a fist, and as she does that she brings it down on his hand until they made contact with each other. Once that happened, he closed the rest of his hand over her fist. And with that, a new 'handshake' has been formed.

Andromeda giggles at the act and tugs her hand out of his grasp before trying it again, wanting to see if he clasps his hand over it once more.

All it takes it the fist to fly towards his hand and he then catches it, locking it in place and allowed her to giggle once more.

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