Chapter 21

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    "So first you punch with your right hand, bring out your left foot

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    "So first you punch with your right hand, bring out your left foot. It helps balance you out and you won't fall." Percy advised as she stood right in front of Dick Grayson, watching as he tried giving powerful punches to the air while using the demigod's advise.

   Dick did it once, but forgot to step up with his left leg, causing him to lose balance.

     When he tried a second time, he tried pushing the air only to end up hitting Percy in the side, which Percy couldn't feel.

    Yeah, it was that weak.

    "Come on! You must have more in you." Percy taunted in a way that she knew would make him want to put more effort in his work.

    Dick grunted as he pulled back once more but this time with his left fist, stepping up as fast as he could with his left leg while watching as his fist seemed to slice through the air.

    Right in front of the kid currently was a red punching bag. They were practicing in the cave, waiting for Bruce to come back home.

     This had become a daily thing for the duo. First, once Bruce had left, they would start with push-ups, then with sit-ups. After the sit-ups they would continue with laps around the outside garden which was heavily guarded for their safety.

    Once they would finish with a couple of laps in the garden, each day with one more than the last, they would make their way back to the cave where they would take a half an hour break.

    After the half an hour break, they would get up and start to do crunches. And after the crunches Percy would lead him towards a wall where she would access what would be the best ways for him to fight.

     Sure she hated the fact that Bruce was letting the kid go on night missions while she was prohibited from it, but she couldn't hold the grudge forever. And besides, it was an eight year old kid they were talking about, Tartarus would have to freeze over before she makes sure that Dick goes out without ending training.

     "Draw your arm back some more. And control your breathing. We don't want your body to not get enough oxygen." Percy ordered as she circled him. For the next week they were going to work on his punching and his balance.

      It might seem to be a slow process, but that's the good part. The more practice in everything, the calmer and less worried Percy felt if Dick went out and played superhero.

    "Can I stop?" The young Grayson asked as he drew back his bandage wrapped fist and took another step forward before striking at the punching bag.

    "You're complaining? Again." Percy rhetorically asked the first question before ordering him.

     He wasn't the only one doing work though. Percy had been doing everything with him, and even though he was eight, she was going to push his body to its limits because training in the cave was probably nothing compared to going outside.

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