Chapter 25

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   "What do you mean that you're not going to get dressed?!" Piper freaked out as she looked at Percy as if she was crazy

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   "What do you mean that you're not going to get dressed?!" Piper freaked out as she looked at Percy as if she was crazy.

    "It means that I just want to have a relaxing night where I watch movies," replied Percy, who was trying to enjoy the last of her days as an unmarried woman.

    Hazel looked at Piper in confusion, not understanding why Percy not wanting a bachelorette party would be such a big deal.

   "Why is this such a bad thing?" Annabeth asked, taking the words right out of Hazel's mouth.

   Sure, she was a daughter of Athena. But that didn't make her all-knowing or something.

   Before Piper could give an answer, Percy cut her off with another question, "aren't you against this stuff in the first place?"

   Piper rolled her kaleidoscope coloured eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, "You need to have fun! Not be constricted to a couch!"

   "But this is fun!" Percy protested with a pout, looking to her other friends for support as she laid her hands protectively over a stack of Disney movies.

    Annabeth looked to be in thought, 
glancing back and forth between Percy, Hazel, and Piper.

   Hazel went to say something before closing her mouth and looking at everyone, not sure who she should say is wrong without 'hurting' the other.

   Percy gave Hazel and Annabeth a threatening look, not wanting them to agree with Piper.

   "I mean... Piper isn't wrong..." Annabeth said with a ting grin while rubbing the back

   At this, all Percy did was bang her head down onto the CD stacks in her lap and close her eyes for a couple of seconds before peeking up to Hazel, wishing that she didn't agree with the other two girls.

     Hazel opened her mouth to speak, and all the three girls heard from her was, "Is this fun?"

      Percy shot up right away, not caring for the movies all falling to the ground, and gave Hazel a grin.

      "Disney movies are the best thing ever!" The daughter of Poseidon ran up to Hazel and grabbed her by the hand, pulling her towards the couch she had just been on.

     "But what would be funner?" She asked in doubt. She hadn't seen many Disney movies, and that was her brush with death's fault. But at the same time, she wanted to give what Piper wanted to do a chance. 

      Right as Percy went to reply, Annabeth interrupted, "Funner isn't a word, Haze"

     The sea-green-eyed girl only stuck out her tongue towards her best friend and high-fived the daughter of Pluto, "It's a word in our dictionary, Wise girl!"

     "That doesn't make it a word," Annabeth murmured with a slight eye roll.

      As Percy picked up a movie and slid the DVD into the slot and pulled the other two girls onto the couch too.

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