Chapter 12

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 The group of friends had a massive movie night after the party

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 The group of friends had a massive movie night after the party. They were all in sweatpants and a tank top, except for Jason, Frank and surprisingly Bruce, who had decided to hang out with them. Those three boys were shirtless.

    As they watched their movie, Percy had her head on his lap as he played with her hair. Occasionally Annabeth gave Percy a look that said 'you are telling me everything later', but other than that the night went by smoothly....... until Hazel threw one of the feathered pillows at Leo because he said something that she didn't like hearing.

   That escalated to him throwing a pillow at her, but landing on Piper who was right next to Hazel. Piper retaliated and the it back to him. Instead, it hit Annabeth. She just laughed it off and threw it back at Piper, hitting her right in the face.

  Two minutes later, it was full out war. What made it even more enjoyable was the fact that most of the pillows were feather pillows. So, the room was filled with feathers.

    At the end of the pillow fight, Percy fell back against her bed, laughing with the rest but also breathing a bit heavily because she had been a bit tired and she had do exert too much energy.

   The movie kept playing in the background, long forgotten as they all tried to contain their laughter and tried to not start another pillow fight.

   After they all calmed down, Bruce gave them a 'good night' then headed towards his room, his legs barely supporting him as he dragged them across the floor.

    The demigods, though, weren't as tired and all sat either on Percy's bed or on the floor, on the sleeping bag. Yeah, Percy got them sleeping bags so that they could all sleep in the same room. The bed was big enough for three girls, probably four. On the ground were five sleeping bags. All the boys were sleeping on the floor, and if the bed only for three people then two girls were on the floor with the boys. Thalia was definitely going to be one of the girls on the bed, she refused to sleep on the ground with the boys.

   As they all sat around, either on her floor or on the bed, and started to play random games. There were games of 'Never Have I Ever', 'Truth or Dare' and 'Charades'. They then moved onto an intense game of Uno that ended up lasting almost an hour. (A/N I once played a game of Uno with my sister and cousin that lasted more than two hours.... I'm not joking)

   They ended up falling asleep in the middle of Uno, with Percy and Thalia the only ones awake. Since they had the strength to move someone, and since everyone was sprawled out randomly around the room, they took it as their duty to get most of the girls under the bed cover and the boys in the sleeping bag. The boys were a bit easier since they most had their sleeping bags on mermaid style.

   Once they got Annabeth and Hazel on the bed, then moved Piper in a sleeping bag, they took their spots on the bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
   The visiting demigods were confused when they woke up all at different times, none of them having had a nightmare that would have ended up with everyone else waking up. None of them even had dreams.

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