Chapter 13

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   Percy woke up stretching in Bruce's bed

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   Percy woke up stretching in Bruce's bed. She looked around, finding that Bruce was no where in sight. Where is he? She thought. Probably in the kitchen. She told herself.

   She lazily got out of bed and made her way to the door. The day before yesterday was her eighteenth birthday. Her and Bruce had a small party that was basically all her friends from either camp coming to the manor, spending the day there, having a picnic with cake in the garden, and other games.

   Most had been panicking about the fact that monsters might attack. They had a reason to panic, there were 16 demigods in one area.

   Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Thalia, Nico, Will, Chris, Clarisse, Reyna, Travis, Connor, and Katie. Of course Grover had also come. Why would she ever forget Grover? Grover was with her since the beginning of her adventures!

   She roamed the manor, searching for Bruce. Her room: empty. Dining room: empty. Kitchen: empty. His 'office': empty. The hallways on the first floor: empty. Second floor: Alfred cleaning something.

   There was no sign of Bruce! She ran back to his room, hoping to find him having been in there the whole time while searching. She entered his room, empty. She groaned.

   "Alfred!!!" She yelled in panic and alarm. She knew Alfred would hear, he had his own senses when someone was in urgent need, just like mom's do. It's his superpower.

   He walked into the room quickly, in an urgent way. "Is anything wrong Miss Percy?" He asked as he looked at her. She was holding her breathe, hoping that Alfred knew where her best friend and now boyfriend was.

   They had officially became girlfriend-boyfriend when he kept taking her out on dates. He asked her to be his girlfriend after the fourth date, when he reserved seats for a dinner in a fancy restaurant outside the city.

   "Alfred, where's Bruce?!" She demanded, not caring how cold the words came out. She was in panic mode, something that she wanted to get rid of. She didn't want to consider the fact that Bruce might've had an emergency at Wayne Enterprises that they had to call him in, she just wanted him in the manor. She knew that nothing is ever good in her life, she knew that it was almost always the negative possibilities that were right.

   "What do you mean? Last I saw him he said good night and went up here. He doesn't have anywhere to be. He should be here." He said as he furrowed his eyebrows and thought about where Bruce might be.

   Percy sighed and ran to his closet, forcing it open. If he was kidnapped, then nothing would have been taken. If he was called in for work at the company, then a hanger or two might be empty.

   She gasped and backed away from the closet once she caught a glimpse of inside. She kept backing away until she fell back onto the bed, not having noticed it there.

   "Al- Alfred...." she stuttered as she stared wide eyed at the closet. "It's empty. There is nothing in the closet." Alfred came to her side to look in. "Oh dear." He said before running out of the room to sew if any of the clothes were out of the manor.

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