Chapter 20

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   "Did you hear me stutter? I want you to take a break and come down to Gotham City for a day

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   "Did you hear me stutter? I want you to take a break and come down to Gotham City for a day. Have dinner with us." Percy firmly stated to the person on the other line of the phone.

   "I can't just drop everything and go. And besides, Bruce hates me." The mysterious person she was talking to spoke.

   "Bruce doesn't hate you. I doubt he can hate anybody," Percy pauses to think that over for a second, "okay that's a lie but besides that, he definitely doesn't hate you."

    "There's no point in saying no, is there?" The person on the line sighed in defeat.

   "Yep. Get here by five. You can meet the Bruce that I known instead of the one that hides behind a mask." Percy smirked while saying this, another thing coming up in her mind while saying this.

    "What are you thinking? You said the last thing quickly, what are you thinking?" The person asked in alarm. He had only ever talked to Percy, but in those couple of months he had learned a lot of about her and vice versa.

    "And besides, wouldn't it be the chance of a lifetime for a newspaper reporter to have dinner with the Bruce Wayne?"

     The one on the line was silent for a moment before he gave a groan. "Fine. I'll see you in a couple of hours."

     "Great!" Percy chirped while spinning in Bruce's chair that was in his office.

    Percy then closed to phone and gave a fist pump in the air, happy that she had gotten a friend to come over for dinner. Maybe she could get the seven to come over for dinner tomorrow. And let's not forget about Grover, he should come along too with Juniper.

     "What are you so excited about?" Dick asked as he walked into the room, having heard some of the last things Percy had said. "Are you cheating on Bruce?"

     Percy gave him a look, unable to understand why he thought that. "No, why would I do such a thing?"

    Percy then laughed before giving Dick a chance to speak, thinking of Bruce's reaction to have the particular person to dinner at the manor.

     "Who's coming to dinner?" The kid in the room asked.

     "Just an acquaintance, Dick. Nothing to worry about." Percy smiled before getting up from the chair and ruffling his hair, running out to go to where Alfred was with Andromeda.

    While Andromeda was sitting in one of those baby chairs that have a place for food to be placed, Alfred had a bunch of pans and pots on the stove.

    "Hey, Alfred! Guess what!" Percy gave a tiny giggle to what she was going to hide from everybody until the very person showed up. She was not going to give a name until he was at their doorstep ringing the bell.

    "What is it, Miss Percy?" Alfred asked in curiosity, watching as she gave a mischievous smile after her fit of giggles.

     "We are having a guest for dinner. So, please make something delicious tonight! And don't be alarmed when someone you might not know knocks on the door!" She then gave a grin before going to her sister and picking her up from the floor.

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