Chapter 11

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Days started to pass in the manor as Bruce and Percy sat around most of the day, Bruce asking all about 'myths' and Percy answering the best she could

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Days started to pass in the manor as Bruce and Percy sat around most of the day, Bruce asking all about 'myths' and Percy answering the best she could.

    A couple of times, while explaining, she would get sidetracked and start to mutter random comments about something she said.

    As the days passed, weeks also passed and Percy found Bruce starting to do stuff she had never imagined he would ever do. She first found him scheduling classes in self defense. As the self defense classes took place, they took a bunch of his time and she couldn't spend as much time with him.

    Sometimes, he would go over to her and start to show her something new he learned, then he would see her try it out if she never tried it before, and they made it into a game. Whoever can get a form or technique better, or can land a harder blow, anything like that gets a blue cookie. The other would get an average brown cookie. It wasn't like they were going to gain weight when they were doing the techniques most of the time.

   After about three months, he mastered self defense. He had been very dedicated and worked a lot for it. He had also gained much more muscle and Percy would tease him about how he 'finally became a man'.

   Later on, Bruce started to host fewer and fewer parties. He would go to all the ones he was invited to, but he wouldn't host many.

   After two months of doing this and starting new classes in types of fighting, he asked Percy if she could teach him. She was thrilled to be able to take part in teaching him something for once instead of having him teach her.

    On the first of June, after finishing many classes and be able to have a hand-to-hand fight with Percy for about ten minutes, able to keep up with her, he decided that he should probably start hosting parties again.

    "Percy...... whether you like it or not, you have to go to the party." He said sternly, trying to win the argument they've been having for the past half hour.

   "No! I won't do anything there! It'll be boring!" she protested from the doorway of her room, facing Bruce.

    He sighed and started to think. "If you don't attend the party then I'll........ I'll host a party here for your birthday!" He said a bit smugly as he knew she wouldn't want to have a birthday party with people she basically didn't know much about.

    "I'll go! I'll go!" she screamed out, alarmed as he started to turn away and walk.

    "But on one condition." she said as she took a step forward, narrowed her eyes at him and pointed a finger at his chest. "I'm going to invite my friends from camp." she then turned on her heels and went straight to her room.

    She hadn't seen her friends much in the past couple of months. Bruce was too scared that if he let her go back to camp for a couple of days, she would disappear again, and this time for good.

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