Chapter 9: Back to the Soul Society... on a stretcher..... T_T"

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Kojiro's POV

We pass through the gate and into the Soul Society.

It's still the same as when I left. Nothing happened while I was gone, except of the usual rush that you get when you enter the Soul Society.

"Let's take this body back to Doctor Mayuri. See what he can do with it." He's treating my body as if it's an animal! He could at least call my body 'he' or 'him.' Jerk. I've never liked Reji.

Anyways, as we travelled through Soul Society, I've noticed that everyone, and I mean everyone, is in a bigger rush than, well, ever.

"Why is everyone in such a rush?" I asked Kita.

"It's because of Ichigo. He managed to rescue Rukia from being executed. He also figured that Aizen set his so-called 'death' up the whole time. And thanks to him, there has been a lot more stuff going on than you can imagine."

"Wow... wait, how did you know all of this was going on? And how come you didn't tell me?"

"I have a cell phone that the Soul Society gave me. And that's the reason why I was sent here, to tell you, but you..." I knew what she meant when she cut herself off.

"Yeah, I know..." I said as she gripped my hand tightly.

In a few minutes, we reached the entrance of Doctor Mayuri's labratory.

"Never thought I'd see this place again." I said with my hands on my hips. "Why?" Kita asked, confused..

"Because, this is where I received my bio-mechanical limbs..." I told her as I looked at my right hand. "Well, at least physically.." I said as I smiled.

Kita smiled back as she headed inside. I followed after her.

When I came in, I could see that nothing has changed other than the outer appearance of the laboratory. I can hear constant chatter about the different chemicals that several people were working on.

"Kojiro?" Kita called out after she saw what the people were wearing.

Some men were wearing these advanced suits that reminded me of hazmat suits. Except these had armor and were a lot tighter than usual. And they were covered in blood.

Kita held my hand tightly before I said "It's all right. They're just doctors. They must have been operating on someone." I heard her sigh out of relief.

"Come on. We don't want to lose your body again, do you?" She said as she dragged me along.

Mayuri's POV

Hmmm... according to these reports, we've seen much more Hollow activity than usual. Hmm... I bet it's because of Ichigo...

"Father, you have guests." Nemu said as she gestured towards the 5 people in front of me.

"Ah, thank you, Nemu. Now then, what have we here?" I looked towards the stretcher. "Kojiro? Hmm... What a shame. But don't worry, I've got something that might be able to bring him back."

I heard one of the young Soul Reaper say "Really? You can bring him back?" She edged closer as she said that.

"I said 'might' but to answer your question, then yes. I can bring him back. You must know this young man, don't you, hm?" I asked the young lady

"Well, I didn't know him too much, but, I know him enough to be his girlfrie..... I mean, friend." She blushed slightly.

"Very well, follow me.' I said as they followed. "Nemu, bring the device, would you, dear?"

"Yes, I'll go get it right now." She said as she bowed and left.

In the operation room...

"Now that Nemu has brought me this device, we can begin the procedure." He said to everyone in the room above him.

The room was round, and went along the edges of it. Windows were there so people can watch what Doctor Mayuri perform his life-saving procedures.

"What this device does, is find the spirit of the person you want to bring back to life. But first we need a DNA sample." He took a scalpel and scraped the skin of Kojiro's body and place it onto a pad that scanned the DNA sample.

"All right now, ladies and gentlemen, watch, and observe." He then put the device to the chest to the body and pressed a button.


Electricty surrounded the body, and then an electric current went through the glass, and found Kojiro's spirit and surrounded him in electricity as well.

Everybody gasped as they watched, as they saw a faint outline of the spirit, yelling.

"GGAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" They could faintly hear.

"Kojiro!!" Kita stood up and put her hands against the glass. "Do not worry, the pain is only temporary, he will be fine." After he said that, the electric current pulled his spirit back to his body, reviving him.

"AAAAGGGHHH!!!" Kojiro roared out. He snapped the cuffs that held him to the table. He stood up, holding his head. He threw the table to the wall

Kita jumped out of her seat, and ran down stairs, to the operation room.

She slammed the door open, ran up to him and hugged him.

 He was growling in pain. "It's all right, I'm here. I'm here..." She said as she rubbed his head and sang to him, to calm him down.

"Kita....." Kojiro said as he sat down with her in his arms.

He put his head against her head to listen to her heartbeat, something that also calms him down. Then, he looks up at her, and kisses her.

When he did that, Kita's eyes widened, then realizing what was happening she embraced the kiss.

Kita's & Kojiro's POV

This is what love feels like...

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