When Pigs Fly

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-Chapter Start-

"ERROR!" A furious scream sounded out in the now dusty AU.

If Error could, he would lay down and cry. But he learned a long time ago that it was useless to do. Why must this go on? Did Ink think this was a game of pretend?

"yEs?" Error tilted his head to look behind him. Ink stood a few feet away, his face twisted in anger and disgust.

Watching the dust fly in the wind, Error could only feel numb. He was disgusted with himself, but also with Ink. There are way too many AU's, thousands of them, and Ink still tried to make more. Did he like watching Error kill them off? Did he know that every time he did it, it killed a piece of him as well.

"How could you do this!? This AU has done nothing to you!" Ink cried out, deeply offended with a righteous anger.

Error had lost his anger a long time ago. Now all that is left is numbness mixed with sadness and despair. He did not just pick AU's at random, in fact he picked the youngest ones as they are not that far developed yet. It makes it easier on him and the AU. And with how much Ink creates, the young AU's are not in short supply sadly and it is a race against the clock for Error.

"i hAD tO GEt riD oF IT." Error stated the obvious fact. "WhY dId YOu cREaTE iT?" Error couldn't help but ask back. This AU was filled with nothing but pigs. Pig monsters with slop and pins everywhere, and the human was a little farmer of all things. When he first showed up a pig literally flew over his head, it was a blue pig spotted silver with some pink and green wings. Sometimes Error was afraid of what goes on in Ink's head. 'Maybe he wanted a AU for the saying when pigs fly after I said that to him last time?'

The wordless scream told him that he wasn't going to get a answer anytime soon.

So when the paint brush rose in the air, all Error could do was lower his sockets and give a tired sigh. He wonders when this game will end, wonders when he will ever be free.

Blue strings form, dancing around as snow and dust fly up in the air, paint bringing a shock of color. Screams and lasers firing off.

As Error lifted his hand and called upon his blasters once more, he felt a little piece of his SOUL break off.

Just one more scream to add to the list.

Just one more scare to add to his body.

-Anti-Void, a few weeks later-

"wHIcH onE IS nEXt...." Error wondered, hands swiping around to form different portals to look in other AU's. Luck for now seems to be on his side, Ink has yet to create another AU. That meant Error could actually take a short break before he had to pick another to go destroy. So he let the portal die out before looking around at the white and blue strings that surround him.

Surrounded by his puppets and knitting supplies, human SOUL's hanging up on string above him with his puppets, Error sat down on the white ground. Slowly his bones relax, creaking and cracking as they finally were able to stop and rest. Picking a random puppet, Error lifted it to his face and gave a small, sad smile at the small grinning face of Undertale Sans.

"i WonDEr wHAT kINd oF sANS i waS? fRoM whAt aU?" Error wondered aloud before letting the puppet be stringed back up and fly back to it's place. "dID i hAVe FRiendS? MayBE i WAS iN lOVe?"

Ignoring the Voices screaming at him in his head, the yelling of how worthless and weak he is with such practice that he really shouldn't have, he picked up his knitting needles and put on his glasses. He finally had some free time for the first time in a long time, so he took off his jacket and swiftly started making a scarf with some red yarn. It reminded him of Papyrus's scarf, and that only left him with a dull ache in his SOUL. Maybe he had a brother at one point, but now it doesn't matter.

Pain flared up all over his body as he slowly stretched out. But it was the normal for Error, so he ignored it. Flecks of bones, blood and dust fell off his bones and clothes, but he ignored it.

He ignored the chips and scars on his arms and lags with practiced ease. Some looking too perfect and straight to be battle scars, and some looking a bit too deep to be scratches.

He ignored how his SOUL cried out in pain and for help with practiced ease.

But that didn't mean it didn't hurt, that it didn't kill him every time, that he didn't care.

It just meant that he was used to it. That it happened all the time, everyday.

"i'M kIDdIng mYSeLF....NO onE wOUld bE fRiEndS wIth a GlITCh lIKe ME, lEt aLOnE loVE OnE."

-In DreamTale-

"We have to do something!" Dream called out from his side of the table. "We can't let this go one anymore!"

A bunch of different Sans's and Papyrus's had gathered together in DreamTale, sitting by one another at a long table. Because Error had already mostly destroyed this AU, but it still was around because of Ink and Dream, they knew he wouldn't happen on them here as they planed.

"And what can we do?!" Edge called out from his seat, fist slamming on the table. "This is the Destroyer of Worlds we are talkin' about here!"

"Calm down!" Ink stood up to get everyone's attention. "Yelling and arguing will get us no where! What we need is a plan of action."

Everyone quieted as they started thinking, trying to come up with a plan that they haven't tried yet. Mumbles broke out as neighbors started talking to one another to find out what they can do.

"Come on, there has to be something!" Ink sighed harshly, rubbing the top of his skull. "Anything at all at this point."

"We have done everything we could do....Haven't we?" Lust told everyone, heart eyes bouncing around to look at everyone. "What else is there?"

"We have tried almost everything." Classic admitted before his eyes sharpened. "But we have never tried to attack all together."

That made everyone freeze for a moment, until everyone started trying talking at the same time.

"How could we even start-!"

"We'll all die!"

"If he kills all of us off-!"


"QUIET!" Ink screamed above the other yells and mumbles. "Screaming at each other does nothing!" After a few moments it was silent, the only sound that was heard was Ink's heavy breathing. Watching them all for a moment, Ink slowly sat back down. "Now then, let us discuses this new plan."

"Ink makes a new AU, but more or less a empty one." Classic began to explain his plan. "That should tempt Error enough to come and destroy it. We of course will be there waiting for him. Ink will be at the head leading Error right to us. Then we all attack on him."

Then Classic's sockets darken, his smile getting tighter. "If he is able to get away from us, we hunt him down. After all he should be weak enough for him not to get far, so we should be to find him easily."

Ink took in a deep breath as Classic Sans went on in detail about his plan. Ink never really knew what to think about Error. Sure Ink hated him, but why does he destroy his creations? But he pushed that thought to the back of his mind. 'Error must be gone, his SOUL and mind corrupted so far that it will be a mercy to finish him off.'

Ink could feel determination burning in his SOUL. 'I will protect my creations no matter what, even from destruction itself!'

It never crossed his mind that his creations would need to be protected from himself, that he would need to stop creating eventually.

It is a shame he realizes this too late after Error was long gone.

-End Chapter-

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