A Storyteller's Past

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I do not own this video or song, it belongs to it's respectable owner.

I just think this song fits with Error all too well.

I am so sorry this took so long to come out! I was concentrating on 'Falling Into A Different Destiny' and all the wonderful stories in it and 'what if's' I could make in it. I was also working on some other stories that I have yet to publish that I am hoping to soon. I like to get to five chapters before publishing it, that or if it has more then enough words in it in the first few chapters.

I will not abandon this story, so please don't ever worry about that. I also had to decide on where I wanted to go in this chapter, as there were a ton of ways I could go about it. So I hope that the end product comes out well. I had like, five other full drafts of this chapter until I picked out this one to use.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thank you all for being so patient with me.

-Start Chapter-

- Music.

Music filled the air, lighting up everything as the magic pulsed and played with the instruments. Playing in beat with one's SOUL was a normal thing, to let everything out into the open. To live and let live.

It was a normal thing for Sans to hear in his home and even outside. Music was one of those things, hobbies and ways of life, that stayed with the Monsters after the second barrier had been put up around their kingdom. It filled the whole Monster Kingdom with something more then negative feels once they were trapped once more.

The first barrier had been when they were trapped underground. But HE took care of it before losing himself to time and space after committing horrible acts right under the King's nose. -

"How could have this happened?" Vita - Life!Toriel - muttered to herself, rubbing her face as a few tears fell from her closed eyes. "How could have things gone this far?"

"The better question," Tori - UnderTale!Toriel - began, eyes stern and hard as she spoke to the others gathered. "is why did we let it go this far?"

"I say we kill every single one of them!" Doriel - Undyne!Toriel - growled out, slamming her hand on the table as her eye glowed ominously. "Fuck them up like they fucked him and now the rest of us up!"

"I second that notion." Rosso - Fell!Toriel - immediately spoke up after Doriel, a wide twisted smile on her face.

"I would like to know their reasons before any killing or hurting happens." Scramble - Swap!Asgore - added in, face sincere but eyes telling a different story. "Maybe they are just that stupid and had no idea what they were doing at the time?"

Muttering broke out in Vita's garden to where all Toriel's and their counterparts have gathered for a talk after the Chara's - or those in Chara's place - had given them the news of Error's passing via the Sanses and Papyruses in the place of the Sanses.

What those skeletons do not realize is that many others are aware of the RESETS and the parts those play in the whole thing. They do not hold the monopoly of having that 'honor' of remembering no matter what they might think. Codes change as time goes on as they are almost alive in a way. Few hold sway with Codes like the Destroyer and Creator does, but Vita is also a Goddess even if in her own AU.

It may not be much, but Vita can sway the Codes a bit, making those in her place be more aware then they should.

The Creator never noticed, but the Destroyer did. In fact, Error had laughed at what Vita did, in her face, one day when he was visiting Chaos doe what she did. So Vita took that as him not caring and loving that she got on up on the Creator.

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