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I do not own the picture, it belongs to it's respectful owner.

I am also sorry I made a few of you cry, but the hurt has not stopped just yet. Having said that there will be torture, self-harm, and suicide attempts mentioned and depicted in this chapter and/or other ones. I just wanted to give everyone a warning if that is a trigger for any of you.

-Chapter Start-

Destiny had a hard decision to make once it let Error go. Where would they lead him too once the Void gave in?

To get help, they first must admit that they need help to heal. For that to happen the person would need a reason to get better or to find help. And so Destiny must lead to where Error could find his reason. A reason to live. Error needs all this and more Destiny knew. It could cry at what Fate has done to him.

But what kind of reason? Romance would not happen at this point, he does not believe that he has the right to that. And a enemy or rival would not end so well, not when he has no will to live any longer. But maybe something to fight for? But what? So Destiny must go with a different option....But what left is there?

And then it struck Destiny on who to lead him to after thinking back on how Error acted back in the other Multiverse. After that it would be up to him, but after watching him so long Destiny knew that it would be the best choice. So finally for the first time, Destiny started to weave the many paths of destiny for the one known as Error as the Void finally gave way.

Destiny watched happily as Error fell to the snow below, not too far away from the ones she is hoping will find him, hoping and praying that they had not lead him astray.

-With Error-

When Error felt the cold and pain, he thought it was just how being scattered across time and space felt like. He figured being broken apart can't feel all too great after all and it's not like he could ask anyone how it felt. The muffled noise and the crunching of snow quickly clued him in that this was not the case.

After a few moments of silence, Error almost could fool himself that this was all a hallucination caused from dying, that or some sort of twisted purgatory for all the deaths he has caused. Death never did like him, he can still see him carving new scars on his bones with that scythe of his and only grinning when he didn't die immediately like other humans or Monsters would, then pushing down harder-

And then when a cold small bony hand poked his check softly, that clued him in that this was not the Void or this being a hallucination, but it could still be purgatory so that was still in the running. And if he was wrong then he wanted to know why the hell little Monsters were in the Void and if this was the after life he hopes that he wasn't the one to have killed them. Or if this wasn't the Void or afterlife then he wanted to know where the hell he was and/or what AU he was in.

'But I'm still hoping for afterlife....' Error mentally face palmed. 'But knowing my luck it isn't....I never get what I want! So why should this be any different?'

So he slowly opened his sockets, pushing past the pain to face what he has fallen into. He could only pray that this wasn't a trick by Fate or Ink for giving up.

-A Few Minutes Before-

Project One, a little skeleton Monster, had no idea where he was going. All he knew was that he had to keep his baby bones little brother, Project Two, safe. He had no idea where he was going, only that he had to get away from H I M. shivering in his stripped rags, One willed his feet to go fast through the freezing snow.

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