When Life Hands You Blueberries

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I do not own this picture, it belongs to it's respectful owner.


LOOK! punny1 made this! I think it is very nice, and I love how Blue is looking at Error, and Error not even glancing his way.

I'm glad everyone found Error's 'I'm so done' attitude funny, I do too. It's fun to write him like that, as he has been through a lot and probably feels older then all of them combined. He's tired, and so what if he got hurt, he's had worse.

I'm still not sure on the pairing, or if I will go with everyone x Error, so I am going to give them all moments with Error for now. That way if I do go with everyone, I haven't left ant of them out.

But for now on to the chapter! This one is going to be a long one, but not as long as the chapter where I introduced everyone to Error.

 Sorry about all the mistakes, I had worked and worked until I finished this chapter was past the point of being tired.

-Chapter Start-

Seeing Error laying there, blankly staring up at the sky, was not something Ink wanted to see. Mostly because of the red, broken rib laying not to far away from the darker skeleton. 'Oh God! What do I do?! WHATDOIDOOHMYGOI-' Ink's SOUL sped up, his face flushing, gibberish coming out of his mouth.

Not paying any mind to Ink's panic attack, Death and Echo rushed up to the others.

"What happened?" Death questioned as he floated by Honey and Blue. Echo knelt down by Daze, who had a very worried look on his face. The two babybones fretted over Error, who was still just gazing up in the sky, not really paying them any attention anymore.

"One of his ribs just broke-er...fell off." Daze told the grim reaper, having to talk a bit louder to be heard over Blue's swearing and Ink's panicking. "I used my magic to get a read on his wounds..." Daze bit his lip, glancing down at Error. "I can't heal him, the damage is too much for my experience."

"We'll talk to Error about taking him to Life, but for now lets get him back to the house." Death then turned and nodded to Echo, signaling him to pick Error up. Echo gave a nod, and the reached down to pick up Error, hands going to his sides to lift him.

Error felt hands coming closer to him, to where his ribs are. Lazily looking over, his SOUL froze. 'G!' G was going for his ribs again! All Error could see was G ripping and breaking off all his ribs, laughing once they reattached just because it meant he could break them off again. G giving him that blasted smirk, laughing at his pain when he cried out for Mercy. 'No, no, no, NO! Not again!'

Echo stilled when multicolored hands suddenly gripped his in a tight manner. Everyone in the clearing stopped all at once when Error growled out like a wounded predator. "YOU wONt bE bREakInG oFF mY RiBS tODaY G!" The grip got tighter, Error starting to glitch harder. "NoT AgAIn!"

Echo could barely hear Daze's crying, Ink's horrified gasp, Blue's heated cursing, Honey's dark mumbles, or even feel Death's silent but very mad stare. No, all he could see is Error's dark, but so fragile glare. Hear the slight hysterically begging behind the words, the 'Please, no more! Mercy!'. But what he noticed most is the dazed look in his eyes, not really seeing him, Echo, but this so called G.

That would make G his counterpart from a logical stand point. A skeleton Monster that looked like Echo, broke off Error's ribs. 'Why would someone do that?!' Echo quickly forced his arms and hands to go limp, not wanting Error to see him as a threat. All Echo could see was himself reaching over and breaking off a screaming, crying Error's ribs. Laughing and loving every minute of it. 'What kind of monster is my counterpart?!'

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