Names, Dresses, And Little Booties

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I do not own this adorable picture, it belongs to it's respectful owner.

I just wanted everyone to know that Error is tall-for a Sans anyway-but is in no way the tallest there is. But I would say he is in the top ten in the least. Heights will be different in this Multiverse then the other to show how different it is. I wanted this Error to be different from the others I wrote, I usually make him shorter.

But here is some fluff before I have to get back to the hurt in the next chapter.

-Chapter Start-

When Error awoke it took him a moment to realize that what happened before was not a fever dream. How he came to that conclusion? Well, it was hard to ignore the proof sitting inside his rib cage for him to feel and see as the Sans of this AU refuses to let go if his rib.

The two little bones were still curled up in his rib cage, scarf and magic keeping them warm as it started snowing. Error could still not believe that he was in this position. 'I just jumped into the Void to die-the only thing that could kill anyone but apparently not because I am sure I am alive right now-and what happens? I get two little tag along's for the night! The kind that I can't just up and leave because I am one weak fuck!' Error silently grumbled to himself as he berated himself, crawly at the chips on his check making more of his skull chip off, not paying any attention to the older baby bones that was waking up.

One had never felt so rested before. Feeling the warm, but slightly jumpy magic, wrap around him in a protective embrace along with the arms around him he could safely say he never wanted to move or wake up. But as he felt Two shift, memories smacked him in the face. Sockets quickly opened to see red and black bones. His SOUL calmed when he remembered what had happened last night, meeting the tall, strange Monster who gave them the fluffy cloth.

Looking up, One shifted so that his head popped out slightly to look at the other. Seeing all the marks all along the darker one's body made One feel confused but safe. While he wondered how he got all these marks, he knew that this Monster would understand them. "...Safe...."

Error, after finally coming back to reality, stilled his hand and glanced down meeting white eyes head on. "i StILl ThINk ThErE aRE SaFER PlAcES, BUt We'LL dEaL WIth THaT LATEr." Error muttered to himself before speaking up more so the other can hear him. "WeLL THeN KId, SInCE YOu SlEPt InSiDE MY RiBS i ThINk WE nEEd To KnOW eAcH oTHeRs NamES. dO YOu GoT a NAme?" Error added on the question as a second thought. It all mattered what type of AU he was in if they had a name. Then he had to find out if this AU is a messed up as Horrotale or more like Underfell. There was no way he was going into town only for someone to try and mug him or kill him. Error was not in the mood to fight them off.

"Project One." One stated factually and blandly before shifting the baby who was now starting to wake up. "Project Two."

'I hate it when I am right about something.' Error sighed, hesitating before cuddling both closer. His glitching worsting before settling after a few moments. "ThAT WoN'T DO. dO YoU WaNT DifFReNt NamES?"

One's sockets widened in awe. "I...can have a name? Two too?" One was just a experiment, not worthy of a real name. The doctors made that fact known very early on. When he and Two were cuddled closer, One held back tears. He had never been given such mercy. This Monster really did understand!

"YeS." Error took in a deep breath, only to continue after One nodded in agreement. "SkElEtON's ARe UsuALlY NAmEd aFTEr FrOnTS-" Error began to explain a little for their benefit. He was about to name then Sans and Papyrus as all the others are, but One interrupted before that could happen. 

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