The Cuddle Time War And The Shipping Council

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I do not own this picture, it belongs to it's respectful owner. TK is so adorable, I swear!

Because so many people are asking, Destiny and Fate can take any form. They just are, they are everywhere and are technically Higher Gods in this story. Myths have all the Gods in them taking many forms - Like Zeus as melted gold of all things - so Destiny and Fate can do the same.

Also, I am so happy that I am making so many people's shipping senses tingle. A lot of ships I like are considered crack ships as they are never talked about, see as insane or even thought of. I love so many ships so bad that I can't help myself. Like Nightmare x Error, Cross x Error, or really, I ship everyone with Error to be honest as long as it is done right. Can't help myself really.

And due to popular demand, I will put how cuddle time happened and the chart for it. Never thought that so many people would want to know, but I'm happy to provide and give more detail to this adorable idea.

-Start Chapter-

Cuddle Time - And yes, it deserved to be capitalized for how much thought and fighting went into it by the others. Error honestly thought that someone was going to get dusted for a few tense moments. Luckily no one was dusted in the creation of Cuddle Time. - was a simple thing if one thought about it. But then again, put in a bunch off different people with vastly different personalities then anything can get complicated fast and in a hurry.

But, Error knew who to put the blame on. It had been Grim who put the idea into the other's heads only a day after Error officially met all the skeletons.

It had been a normal morning so far before the Cuddle Time War started. Everyone was sitting at the kitchen table. Error was at the head of the table, munching on the glass cup that had the soup in it. He had just put the whole cup into his mouth again, making quite a few Monsters wince and freak out at first. But Error didn't see the problem with it. Death was sitting on his left side holding onto one end of Error's scarf, Grim on the right reading some kind of book. The kids had finished eating a while ago, having rushed as they wanted to go playing. After making sure that Null and Void would be okay, Error let them go play in the living room with the other kids.

Then Grim suddenly brightened, face lighting up as he read something in the book. Error watched him wearily as he jumped up with a triumph look on his face.

"I have found the most wonderful healing technique!" Grim lifted the book as if it was the holy grail. "In this insightful book I have gotten from Life, I have found something that will help Error on the right track to fully getting better not only physically, but emotionally."

That quickly got everyone's attention.

Meanwhile Error could feel like this was not going to work out well, a bad feeling creeping up his spine.

"Positive touching, as the book has told me, can help with many mental health issues! Ranging from helping one to sleep, eat, become emotionally stable and just feel better all around." Grim gently put down the book, a gleam not unlike Determination in his sockets. "Therefor I propose a few set times, multiple times a day, for such positive touching."

"What kind of touching?" Ink questioned, leaning onto the table interested in the idea. While they are helping Error get better physically, it is the mental and emotional wounds that will never truly go away. But that didn't mean they couldn't lighten Error's load. "Hand holding?"

"No, I propose something I like to call," Grim opened his arms as if he wanted to hug them all. "Cuddle Time!"

'You got to be fucking with me.' Error thought to himself numbly. He just watched Grim and the others discussing the idea like he wasn't there, making him want to flip the table to get their attention. But seeing how he knew he wouldn't get out of it? '.....Lets see how this plays out.' Error decided eventually. He would only speak up if he had too.

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