All The King's Horses And All The King's Men

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This song reminded me so much of Error, his Multiverse and a little bit about the new Multiverse! It just screamed at me, making me think of Error throughout the whole song. I just had to put it in and show you all. It is a simple song, but the lyrics hold a lot and tell a story. I also found a song that made me think about Inky and Error, but I will put that one up in the appropriate chapter for it.

I have decided, after thinking long and hard on it, not to make this Everyone X Error. Not to say not everyone will love Error, they will, but just not in a romantic way. They will love and protect him, and at times it may come off as romantic but it will just be extremely platonic, as they are the 'Error Protection Squad!'

Error will be for sure paired up with Death. In all honesty he was my original plan when I started making this and I have never seen this paring done before. I have seen Geno X Error, but never Reaper/Death x Error. 

Sorry for all that wanted Everyone x Error, but I just feel like it would be too much for this story. Not when I also have to concentrate all my other plans, Error's healing, and plots I have for this story along with romance building.

But have no fear, I am actually working on a new story in my free time when I am not working on any of my other stories, and I have three chapters of it done but I haven't published it yet, of a Harem/Everyone X Error fanfic. It is about a very different Error - Non Destroyer - with how he reacts to everything. He is unlike HWHBB Error and Twisted Error, and he reacts differently to the Anti VOID. I wanted to try and test my abilities on that kind of pairing, a harem, so I made a story to have it in it. So that is the main focus of that story, that way I can concentrate on it and see if I can do it.

There are going to be background relationships as well in here, but they will not be the main focus of the story.

I do not own this song, it belongs to it's respectful owner.

As this is now Error X Death, I'm going to give them a moment. But it will take a while for actual romance to bloom, at least for Error.

-Start Chapter-

Error couldn't help but glare at the other skeleton from across the little table. The table was a low square Japaneses sitting table, and one that Error knew he could easily reach across and strangle the other if he was quick enough. The only thing stopping him in the kids cuddled in his criss cross lap, both looking out the open wooden sliding doors in awe. The flowers blooming had caught there attention for now.

After Death had asked Blueberry to carry him into the house, Error had demanded to be put down. When it looked like the one in blue was going to say no, Error was quick to roll out of his hold, making the little finger on his left hand fall off, much to Error's annoyance and Blueberry's horror. Taking off his gloves on the little table, the bone fell out if, making Blueberry scream and the kids gasp.

In fact, Blueberry was still looking at the at little finger on the table in horror.

Huffing in frustration, Error picked up the little finger, placing it back on his hand. While other bones, the bigger ones and more mangled ones, take time to reattach, especially when they are broken off and not cleanly at that, little ones take almost effort on his part. Like his little toe and finger for example, but no bigger then that. Even his pointing finger has to take time before going back, much to Error's annoyance when he wanted to knit or had to fight. But he had gotten into the habit of waiting for his magic to do it on it's own, not by his prompting. It takes less magic when that happens, and for someone who has to kill and fight ever moment needed...Yeah, he had other things to worry about.

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