Same AU's, Different Skeletons

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I do not own this picture, it belongs to it's respectful owner.

This is a picture of QuantumTale, a AU I decided to use in the new Multiverse! It's where TimeKid!Sans, the one in the stripped gym shorts and goggles who I am calling TK, travels through time with his friends and brother, or at least that's the general info behind it from what I can tell. I wanted there to be a AU/Timeline with kids so Null and Void are not alone. I want them to have their own friends that they get into misadventures with.

You can find all the different Quantum AU's online, that way I don't have to explain how they look in this long butt chapter.

There are very few different timelines/copies that branch off from their respected AU, not like the original Multiverse where you got PTA!Sans, Teacher!Sans, Scientist!Sans, and Highschool!Sans and many others for example. But this is one of them, where the younger version got the power to time travel making a different timeline/AU.

I also think these kids are very adorable.

I had trouble deciding on what AU's to use for this Multiverse I'm not going to lie. But I think I picked some good ones! Having said that, they may be OOC or just different from the Original Multiverse as there are different rules and things in this Multiverse.

And don't worry, we will be seeing other AU's in the Original Multiverse. And Error and the others may either run into them or see them later on. But that is for way later, like way off from where we are right now in this story.

Also, Error doesn't always have the words 'Error' surrounding him. In this story they pop up when he is distressed or feeling very intense emotions.

I imagine the characters like how blogthegreatrouge on tumblr draws them. So they do have lips in this story. I just wanted you all to know so you don't question why I put that they have mouths or lips.

This is more like a introduction and some background information to all the different AU's in this Multiverse, so not a lot of action or dialogue. We will get more of that in the next chapter. But there will be some very violent/messed up memories from Error in this one. And we will see everyone's first thoughts to seeing Error and Error seeing them - Null's and Void's reactions will be little in this as it focuses on Error and his thoughts. They will have more of a part in the next chapter -, so this chapter will be a long one.

Notes at the end of the chapter.

-Start Chapter-

It hadn't taken long to get everything packed up. Soon Error was in his coat, bag around his shoulders and holding both kids in his arms. Of course it took a lot of convincing - Not listening and doing it anyway, the proceeding to ignore all the protests - to make the others let him wear the bag as they felt it would be too much weight for his bones.

He wasn't stupid, if he is going to be walking into a trap then he is going to keep the kids close at hand so he could run at a second notice if need be. He's played this game way too many times to not know what to do or what could happen.

"Are you sure you don't want any food to go, you haven't had any at all!" Toriel fussed, hovering around Error and the children. "I could wrap something up for you!"

Twitching Error just stood still while Toriel eventually gave Skull some food to take, she then turned back to the children with a smile. "Please take care of yourselves. And come visit when you have the chance!" And then she leaned down and gave a kiss on their little cheeks much to their confusion and surprise. 

"W-What was that?" Null asked, rubbing his cheek while Void gushed, also rubbing his own cheeks. Their SOUL's warming at the touch.

Toriel gave a bittersweet smile. "That was a kiss children." She glanced to Error, who also looked slightly confused and dazed. "It is something one gives to show affection, love, for one's family and friends. It can also help one feel better after they have been hurt."

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