Chapter One

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High school, filled with egotistical jocks and pipsqueak little wannabes. I groaned walking into the cafeteria instantly getting looks from most of the freshman class. I held my head high and walked confidently to my table.

"Get your ass up." I spat at some sophomore who decided to sit in my seat at the lunch table. She quickly grabbed lunch and scurried off not saying a word. I sat down and bit into my apple glancing up at everyone sitting around me. My bestfriend Valerie glanced at me amusingly.

"Grumpy now are we?" She said causing a chuckle from Jeremy who sat across from me. I rolled my eyes and took another bite of my apple.

Valerie might be beautiful with her long blonde hair and grey/blue eyes but the girl was dumber than a stuffed bear. Jeremy on the other hand was one of the smartest people in our group and possibly the whole school. He has dark blue eyes and jet black hair that flips to one side.

Oh, and did I mention he has a thick Irish accent? Like yum!

"I'm not grumpy." I said taking out my phone and checking twitter. I felt a kick from under the table. I locked my phone and set it back in my pocket looking up at Jeremy. "What do you want Jer?"

"Don't be such a grump lad, It's Friday!" he said excitedly. Every week is the same damn thing. We go to his place and order pizza, some of us unfortunate enough to go up to his room and I'm sure you can guess where that leads up to.

"Jer, I'm not going to your house again. Last time you got shit faced and spilt tequila on my favorite sweater." I said tossing my half eaten apple into the trashcan beside our lunch table.

He puffed his bottom lip out. "Please, It's no fun without you there." I rolled my eyes. "Oh, Please. All you do is screw around with random girls while Val and I sit downstairs eating pizza and watching whatevers on TV."

"Well this week I was planning on having a party. My mum is leaving tonight for a business conference in Vermont and she's staying the weekend." He said smirking at me.

"I have a test to study for I'll only stay for a couple hours."

Jeremy and Valerie stared at me. "Since when do you care about school?" Jeremy asked amusingly.

I scoffed. "I don't, I- It's just a big part of my grade and I don't feel like having to repeat this year cause of a stupid test." They both nodded in response.

The warning bell rang signaling lunch was ending. I tossed my remaining food in the trash and grabbed my bag. Jeremy left his tray on the table and grabbed his bag walking over to where I stood. I groaned to myself at his lack of responsibility. "See you after class." he said winking at me and walking out of the cafeteria.

"Wanna ditch?" Valerie asked. I rolled my eyes. "Val, you can't keep ditching you're gonna end up repeating grade 12."

She shrugged. "I don't really care for school. I'm planning on being a model and you don't need a degree to look cute." She said dramatically flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Okay well while you spend your 6th period smoking pot I'm gonna actually show my face in class." I said annoyed, heading for the cafeteria doors. Just as I walked out I was knocked onto the floor. I winced grabbing my elbow that was now throbbing. "O-Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." The boy in front of me stuttered holding his hand for me to grab.

"Are you blind?!" I yelled. His eyebrows furrowed. "It was an accident." I got to my feet ignoring his hand. I took a good look at the idiot in front of me. He was pretty tall, way taller than me, he had dark hazel eyes, dark brown hair and thick black glasses. Obviously a geek or something.

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