Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up to the smell of bacon aka the best way to wake up. I smiled, checking the time on my phone.


I typed out a quick text to Valerie to let her know I was still living then got up, slipping on my Gryffindor pajama pants and walking into the kitchen. There stood Caleb with his back to me frying up bacon... Shirtless.

I admired how every move he made made his back muscles move and how he had a little birthmark at the end of his back that was kinda shaped like an Illuminati triangle.

"Like what ya see?" Caleb asked over his shoulder smirking at me. I quickly came out of my trans and furrowed my eyebrows. I quickly noticed the familiar black rimmed glasses he wore.

"Your glasses are making a comeback?" I asked smiling.

Caleb shrugged. "Ran outta contacts." He smiled down at my pajama pants. "Gooooood morning Gryffindor house, today we're having bacon with a side of burty bots every flavor beans!" He shouted loudly. I laughed so hard I bent over.

"I wish burty bots every flavor beans were an actual thing." I said.

"They have those bean boozled things. That's the same as burty bots." He said putting bacon on 2 plates. He walked towards me, standing about 2 inches from me, so close I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. My breathing immediately got heavier and I gulped. "W-what are you doing?" I asked mentally face palming. He smirked, leaning down so his mouth was so close to my ear I could feel his hot breath hit my neck sending shivers down my back. "You're standing in front of the microwave." He whispered in my ear. I awkwardly stepped to the side with my head hung low in an attempt to hide my red cheeks. Caleb opened the microwave and took out two breakfast sandwiches with his bare hands. "Ow, bad idea." He said dropping the sandwiches on the counter and waving his hands around in an attempt to cool them.

"You do realize when it says let them cool on the package they actually mean let them sit for a bit, right?" I said holding back hysterical laughter.

"Ha ha." He said mockingly. He ripped a few paper towels off the rolls I had on the counter, picked the sandwiches up and placed one on each plate. "Oh, by the way. How did you learn to wrap a wound so good? It didn't come unwrapped at all last night."

"I watch a lot of Grey's Anatomy." I said shrugging.

"The fuck is Grey's Anatomy?" He asked handing me my plate of food.

"It's one of the best shows ever. How do you not know what Grey's is?" I asked in disbelief.

"I don't watch much TV." He said as we both sat on my couch. I picked up my TV remote and immediately went to my DVR recordings and put on Grey's Anatomy.

*Fast forward 7 and a half hours.*

"Okay okay I get it, it's a good show. But if we watch one more episode I think I might change my college major to surgeon." Caleb said dramatically.

"What are you even majoring in?" I asked.

"Art and music." He said proudly. "You?"

"I wanna be a doctor, so probably human anatomy. I applied to Yale in January."

"No way, I applied too!" He said excitedly.

"That's awesome! We might be school buddies."

"Yeah." He said chuckling deeply. "Oh so, I want to take you somewhere tonight."


"It's a surprise." He said standing up and stretching. "Get dressed."

I groaned in response and walked into my room. I tossed on an oversized  NIRVANA shirt and a pair on dark blue shorts praying it wouldn't get too cold. I slipped on my converse high tops and put my hair up in a cute messy bun. Taking one last look in my dirty oversized mirror, fixing a few pieces in my hair then walking out into the living room to find a now properly clothed Caleb finishing off a glass of water.

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