Chapter Eleven

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 It's officially been 4 days since Valerie revealed her pregnancy to me, and todays the day she's telling Jeremy. School the past few days has been complete and utter hell for her and I could tell. She walked down the hallways with slumped shoulders and a constant frown, It's obvious from the bags and discoloration under her eyes that she hasn't been getting much if any sleep.

 "I'm scared, Lori." Valerie said playing with the ends of her navy blue sweater.

 "I know." I said frowning. "I could still be there with you if you want."

 "It's okay. I should tell him alone." She said giving me a grateful smile.

 "When are you gonna do it?" I asked.

 "Today after school. We have a writing project we have to finish so I'm gonna just tell him then." She said letting out a shaky breath. "He tells me in order what he wants to happen in his life and how he wants it to turn out and he's never mentioned a child. He's already going to the school he's wanted to go to since he was a kid on a full scholarship, this is gonna put so much stress on him."

 "He's got to except the consequences Val. Yeah a baby wasn't in his life plan but it is now and even if he completely shuts you out I'm still going to be here for you every step of the way." I said giving her a tiny side hug.

 "Thanks." She said smiling.

  "You won't believe what just happened, H-" Jeremy started to say, quickly pausing once he saw me. "Ugh." He said plopping down on the opposite side of the circular cafeteria table.

 Valerie noticeably got really anxious. "What happened?" She asked quickly.

 "Hillary Davis and that Macy chick got into a full on brawl outside the English wing." He said tossing a French fry into his mouth.

 "Doesn't surprise me, anyone who pisses off the 'Queen bee'" She finger quoted. "Usually gets pounded."

 "I haven't yet." I said amused. "She's just a dumbass who thinks everything revolves around her and it doesn't. Queen bee, more like drama queen bee." Valerie chuckled slightly as Jeremy stared over my shoulder slightly wide eyed. "And she's right behind me isn't she."

 "Want to say that to my face, whore?" I heard an annoying high pitched voice squeak from behind me.

 I turned to face her while still sitting. "I said you're a dumbass who thinks everything revolves around you and it doesn't, then proceeded to call you a drama queen bee." I said shrugging. "We done now?"

 Macy glared at me with pure hatred, steam practically coming out of her ears. "You're a special kinda stupid, Lor-whatever."

 "You're so brainless you can't even remember my name?" I said laughing.

 "I could remember your name if I cared to know what it was." She said rolling her eyes.

 "If you don't care so much then get out of my face." I spat, turning my back to her.

 Big Mistake.

 I felt two hands roughly grab my hair, yanking me off the bench and onto the floor. I bashed my head off the floor, wincing in pain as I grabbed my head.

 "Keep saying shit bitch!" Macy said as she got on top of me repeatedly hitting me in the face. After a few good hits she finally was lifted off of me by two muscular arms. I got to my feet wiping blood from my lip. "That's what you get fucking whore!" Macy yelled.

 I chuckled. "You really do hit like a girl. It's a shame you had to attack me from behind so I couldn't properly defend myself." I said slowly walking towards her. The whole cafeteria was silent as they watched the show unfold.

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