Chapter Seventeen

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We pulled into the parking lot of my apartment building and parked in the way back, far from any other car. I never understood why he always did that. I noticed him opening up his phone a lot to check it and occasionally sending out a text but I never thought much of it, it's his business who he texts. We made our way through the courtyard and into my apartment building.

"Hello. We brought your things up earlier today. We're sorry they were late we had a maintenance issue." The lady at the front desk said.

"Oh, that's fine. I actually totally forgot about my bags." I said as we passed by slowly so I didn't look rude for just wanting to go to my room and watch some Grey's before bed.

"Oh, well they're by the door. Have fun." She said smiling. I casually smiled back. 'Have fun?'

We got into the elevator and hit the 2nd floor button and after a few seconds of waiting it opened with a quiet ding. Caleb paused outside my door and turned to me.

"This wasn't my idea." He said as he opened the door and turned the light on. Suddenly my room was full of teenagers yelling "Happy Birthday."

I jumped slightly not expecting such a loud amount of ruckus to come from my room. I smiled as I walked in being greeted with hugs from various people.

"Sorry for the lateness of the party, you were kinda in the hospital." Valerie said giving me a bear hug.

"I wasn't even expecting a party." I said as Valerie's older brother Chad set various liquor bottles on my kitchen island. Jeremy and his friend Jesse were sat on the couch, Justin and Riley were having a conversation whether or not she should drink, and Caleb, Brent and Valerie all stood around me trying to pin the blame on each other about who's idea this was.

"Guys." I said shutting them all up. "Let's just party." I said turning up the stereo as Bodak yellow played.

'Bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted too.' I mouthed to the music.

"B, pour some drinks." Caleb yelled over the music to Brent who nodded in response. Brent walked over and stared pouring various sodas and liquors together and putting them aside for people to grab. I grabbed one and sipped it. Rum & Coke, classic.

"Val, want one?" I asked.

"No. Baby remember?" She said pointing to her stomach.

"Crap, forgot." I said mentally facepalming.

"Guys, come get drinks." Brent announced to the room as everyone besides Valerie and Riley got up and grabbed a cup.

"I hope my neighbors don't get mad about the noise." I said sipping more of my drink.

"We talked to the front desk people a few days ago and they said there's currently only 2 apartments occupied on this floor as of right now cause people are on vacation. So I don't think anyone will be bothered by a little music." Caleb said leaning against the island with his second cup already halfway done.

"How long have you guys had this planned out?"

"Like a week." He said shrugging. "Brent came back from Canada like 3 days ago so we though, why not?"

Brent's been going through a lot lately. His gramma is in a hospital in Canada and he went up to see her for the past month, his mother was arrested for assault and battery and his father refuses to be in his life since he left when Brent was 14, he never talks about his father.

"I win bitchhhh." Justin yelled as Brent chugged the last cup of liquor after he and Brent played beer pong.

Brent scrunched his face up and burped loudly. "Fuuuuck, why am I the one who's always drunk first." He said as he examined all the tipsy people.

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