Chapter Six

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"You cheated!" Justin lectured Caleb.

"I didn't cheat, I'm just good at Uno." Caleb countered back blowing a bubble with his gum and popping it loudly.

Justin rolled his eyes, checking his phone. "Brent's coming over soon."

I looked at him, furrowing my eyebrows. "Who's Brent?"

"An old friend." He paused locking his phone and setting it back on the coffee table. "Well technically he's my first best friend, I've known him since pre k."

"Oh." I said remembering my first best friend. Her name was Melinda, we met in grade one and went to school together up until grade 4 when she moved to America. I never stayed in contact with her nor do I really remember what she looked like, I don't even remember her last name. I remember my mom would let her come over when my father wasn't around and we'd go upstairs to my room and play card games and read together. She was the one to get me into reading and back then I was slow at reading, but she made me practice and eventually I read 'like the speed of a fast car' is what she said. I kinda missed her.

About 20 minutes later we heard a knock at the door, Justin quickly got up and headed for the door to greet the person. Moments later he walked back in with another man. A man that could put Channing Tatum to shame with his godlike good looks. Okay maybe not godlike, but damn! The first thing I notice about him is his height, I'm guessing about 6'3. He'd definitely would tower over my 5'4 self. His dark brown hair was pushed back perfectly making a small wave on his head while around his head was cut like a buzz cut. He was also very tan with light hazel eyes. He was one gorgeous human being.

"Brent that's Lorelei, Lorelei this is Brent." Justin said like he was in a hurry and sat back down on the couch next to Caleb who looked up at Brent and nodded once. Brent nodded back and turned to me giving me a breathtaking smile showing his perfectly straight white teeth. I smiled back awkwardly as I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Nice to meet you, lovely." He said in a deep Spanish accent.

"You too." I said not knowing what else I should say. We made awkward eye contact and I quickly averted my eyes to Caleb who was already looking my way.

"Soooo." Brent said sitting in the chair next to the couch. "What's up with this ax dude?" He asked sitting back and crossing his veiny arms.

'Snap out of it Lorelei!!' I thought to myself.

"Axel." Justin corrected. "He's stalking Lorelei and he's pretty dangerous according to Caleb."

Caleb's jaw noticeably clenched as Justin spoke.

"She's gonna be staying in the guest room until he backs off but I figured having another dude in the house just incase something happens wouldn't be a bad idea." Justin finished his sentence off with a shrug.

Brent furrowed his eyebrows at Justin. "What's he got against her though."

"He's my ex." I finally spoke. "He was kinda abusive and I broke up with him and blocked him but I guess he found loopholes cause he knows where I am most of the time."

Brent nodded slowly taking in my words. "Okay, I'll stay in the living room."

"The guest bedroom is on the first floor he could look through the windows or even break through them, I want someone to stay in the same room as her just incase." Caleb interjected sternly.

"Bro, I get you don't want anything to happen to her but I can't sleep in the same room as her, I don't want Riley getting any dumb ideas." Justin said frowning slightly.

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