Chapter Twelve

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  3 hours went by quickly. Riley had to leave because her curfew was 7. I sat patiently waiting as people came and went, some waiting like me and some sick or hurt. Caleb's gram never once leaving my mind. Caleb and I may not be on the best terms but he's still someone I care deeply for and if he needs me I'm here for him no matter what, and right now he needs me, whether he knows it now or not.

 "Hey." Justin said sitting down next to me.

 "Hey, how's Nan and Caleb?"

 "Nan is expected to be okay. She fell down some stairs and broke her arm, they're running tests to see if there was something that caused her to fall but she could have just missed a step. Caleb on the other hand is a mess, Nan is the only family he has left." I frowned. "I think you should go up and see him."

 "He hates me Justin. I doubt he'll want to see me."

 "Believe me Lorelei, he doesn't hate you at all. He's just a nervous wreck right now. He needs us."

 I sighed. "What room?"

 "237 on the second floor."

 I got up from the chair, taking a moment to get used to standing again and heading towards the elevators. 3 nurses walked off as I got on smiling politely at me as they walked past. I hit the 2nd floor button and waited as 2 women got on with me both hitting separate buttons for different floors. After about 30 seconds the elevator doors opened signaling we reached the second floor. I got off and walked down the long hallway towards the 230's.



 I continued down the hallway until I finally reached 237, opening the door quietly and walking inside. Nan was lying on a hospital bed asleep, hooked up to heart machines and IV's while Caleb was lying his head on the bed motionless and silent. I walked up to the chair he was sitting in and crouched down next to it.

 "Caleb?" I whispered placing my hand on his shoulder. He stirred slightly and turned his head so he was facing me, his eyes closed and his breathing low and soft. His hair was ruffled and his eyes were dark and sunken in, a look that was sadly all to familiar. I moved my fingers through his hair comfortingly, moving away the strands of hair that were out of place.

 "Hello dear." I heard a soft voice say. I looked up at Nan who was wide awake and smiling at me. I quickly retreated my hand and smiled awkwardly at her.

 "Hi, how are you feeling?" I asked standing up and walking to the other chair on the opposite side of her bed and sitting down.

 "Oh, I feel fine. Just a little spill that's all."

 I chuckled. "You gave us all quite the scare, I'm glad your feeling okay though."

 "Thank you." She said looking down at Caleb and running her fingers through his hair. "He's a good boy."

 I gave her a confused look.

 "Caleb." She paused. "He's so good hearted, somethings really gotten to him lately."

 I nodded. "I've noticed that too."

 "When I'm gone I need someone to be there for him, he's going to be a mess."

 "When your gone?" I asked.

 She chuckled softly. "My dear, I'm getting old. I'll be 85 next month, I feel as though I won't be here much longer."

 "Your strong, I can see you being here for 10 or more years." I said as she chuckled a little louder, trying to not wake Caleb.

 "Your sweet." She said taking my hand and holding it. "Promise me you'll be there for him. I see how much you two care for one another."

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