Chapter Twenty Three

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 "We could escape through the window maybe?" Amelia suggested pointing up to the small window above my bed.

 "I tried that," I said holding up my bandaged hand for her to see. "I think there's ravor blades along all the windows so no one can escape." I frowned. For the last 20 or so minutes we've been brainstorming ideas on how to get out of this shithole. We'd come up with just about nothing, it was getting frustrating.

Amelia let's out a groan as she covered her face in her hands. "I-I can't go through that again. We need to get out of here."

 "We will." I said not nearly sounding as confident as I had hoped. It's been nearly a week since I've been here, 3 days since Amelia has been here. Knowing the cops in Forks they're probably not nearly doing enough to find me, they never seem to get the job done. Caleb and the guys are probably doing more than they ever could, knowing that gave me an inch of hope.

 Only an inch.

 "My brother, Kyle," She paused taking a deep, calming breath. "I'm all he has. I was on my way to get him from my boyfriend's place when Bruce and his goon squad got me. They're probably freaking out." She ran her fingers through her greasy, tangily mess of brown hair on her head, immediatily cringing at the feeling.

 I nodded in acknowledgment biting the inside of my cheek in thought. "I'm really all my boyfriend has, so I understand the need to get back to your brother." Caleb has lost so many people in his life. Losing Nan almost put him in an early grave and I'm not about to let him lose someone else he cares about. I will find my way back to him---I have to.

 "How is he like?" Her soft voice bring me out of the deep trenches of my brain and back to reality. I smiled as I thought of what to say. 

 "He's smart and funny. He's unbelievably handsome, every time I look into his eyes it's like I get lost in them. Believe it or not I used to hate him and anyone like him but I've grown to love him more than I've ever loved another man." A tear rolled down my cheek. "I can't imagine never seeing him again." I whispered to myself. I shook the thought out of my mind and redirected the conversation. "What about yours? What's he like?"

 She sniffled out a weak laugh. "He makes a lot of jokes. You'd think I was crazy walking down the street with him and he'd make simple little joke about a street sign or something like that and I'd laugh so loud and obnoxiously. He always says how my laugh is his favorite sound even though I sound like a seal on crack when I laugh." Her eyes lit up the littlest bit as she talked about him, it doesn't take a genius to know she loves him. 

 "He sounds nice." I smile not knowing what to say. Not wanting this nice conversation end because I know once it does our lives will go back to the hell we're trapped in. "Caleb as funny as he can be can never make a good joke. Me being me no matter how bad the joke I'll laugh anyway because the smile on his face makes me feel things and-" I paused not knowing where I'm going with this.

 "You feel like you're melting into him, like you become one person." She finishes for me, a knowing smile on her face. I nod, scared that if I open my mouth an endless amount of sobs will escape as rivers of tears roll down my cheeks like a tsunami. I need to be strong, for me, for Amelia, 

 For Caleb.


                                                                                        Caleb's POV

 "Anything?" I asked as I walked into the room after a well needed shower. Brent sighed. That told me everything I needed to know. I breathed out a frustrated breath. "We've been here 2 days, we need to find something." I lazily plopped myself down one of the cheap, wooden chairs that have already given me several splinters in my ass and turned to the computer that was opened to another news article about sex trafficking in Vegas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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