Chapter Twenty

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"I wouldn't do that." He paused. "We aren't done talking."

"What the fuck!" I heard Jeremy yell.

"Please don't hurt them. They have nothing to do with any of this." I said shakily.

"We have no intention of hurting Preggers or the leprechaun." The man standing over me said. I let out a shaky breath. "Where the fuck is A, he was supposed to be here already." He spat.

"His daddy's our boss, the kid can be late whenever he wants and won't get shit for it." The long haired man said angrily.

"Who-who's A?" I asked nervously. The man with the scar laughed, roughly grabbing hold of my arm and yanking me to my feet. Caleb obviously tensed up at the rough contact. A black truck that looked to be the same as the truck these men came in zoomed into the parking lot, coming to a stop about 5 feet in front of us with the high beams on making us all squint. A few seconds later the truck shut off, along with the obnoxiously bright lights and two doors shut.

"Lorelei run!" Caleb yelled, a worried expression etched on his face. I tried to get out of the scar faced mans grasp but failing as his hands quickly tightened around my arm causing shooting pain to shoot through my upper arm.

Two tall figured made their way towards us, my eyes not adjusting to the sudden darkness after being blinded by high beams.

"It's about damn time." The scar faced man spat.

"Shit happens, Doug. No need to get you panties twisted." One of the men countered back. The scar man who I learned was named Doug squeezed my arm harder out of anger causing me to yelp in pain.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked as a tear fell from my eye.

"Aw, forgot my voice already, babygirl?" That nickname sent chills down my spine.

"Don't hurt her." Caleb begged. The long haired man punching him in the jaw, sending him tumbling to the ground.

"Stop!" I yelled, my voice obviously cracking.

"Easy Tony, we don't want to kill him now." The other man said as my eyes regained their focus.

"Roger?" I asked in disbelief as my moms boyfriend came into focus.

"It's nice to see you again, Lorelei." He said sarcastically. Axel began walking closer to me, stopping a foot from my face. I tried backing up as Doug held me in place making it difficult to go anywhere.

"Get away from her." Caleb spat as he got to a standing position, blood pouring from his nose and mouth.

"Does me being so close to her bother you cousin?" Axel asked raising his hand, cupping my jaw making me look up at him.

"Don't fucking play games with me." Caleb yelled walking towards us making it about 4 feet from us when Tony knocked him to the ground again.

"How about we make a deal." Axel said keeping his eyes connected with mine. "You come with me willingly." He said brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "Or I shoot him." He said taking a gun out, aiming it directly at Caleb's head. I Looked at Caleb more scared than I have ever been in my life.

"Don't do it." Caleb pleaded with me, looking me and completely ignoring the gun to his head. I heard a click.

"5. 4. 3. 2." Axel counted down.

"Okay okay! I'll go. Please put the gun down." I said without a second though.

"I'm not letting her go with you." Caleb seethed.

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