The Pianist

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"The death of the King is still a mystery. Polices and detectives are still trying to find out the motive for this tragedy. Stay tuned with us for the next news with..."

I turn off the telly in front of me.

"It's been two weeks since the King's death, but the news is still on." I say to my flatmate, April.

"Are you crazy ?" She waves her hand in front of her face. "This is the King of London that they're talking about, Charlie."

"I know, but talking won't bring the King's back to life eh ?" I sass. "Besides, the killers played it quite well. It's been two weeks and they still don't know who killed the King."

"The King killed himself, Charlie." April looks at me. "Didn't you hear the news ?"

"They made the death looked like an accident,"

April sighs. "Whatever, Miss Nancy Drew. I'm going out tonight and you should too."

"You know I don't like crowds," I reply. "Besides, I have to practice for my next performance, Nutcracker." I pose some of ballet move and see April rolls her eyes.

"Suit yourself." April walks inside her room and going out with some bathing stuffs. "I'm taking a bath." She then leaves me alone in the living room.

April is a funny girl. She's kind of a friend that loyal, nice, smart, but sometimes she could be a pain in the ass. April feel more like a mother to me than a flatmate. She is super caring to anyone. She wouldn't even hurt a fly. I first met her on our first year. We lived in the same hall with other girls, she's already fun but less crazy and I liked her instantly because of that. I got along really well with her than the others.

In our second year, where we are forced to find our own living, we decided to look for it together. And now, we live in a flat not far from University of Cambridge. It's not only us who lives here, actually. If you count April's boyfriend. He usually stays here for couple of days or even a week.

April and I went to a different courses. She is really into economic, business, and all. But me, I'm a psychological and behavioral science student.

Suddenly, I hear a sound that comes from my laptop. Someone is calling me. I half run to my room and find out that it's my mom. I put on my earphones and answer her call.

"Hey Sweetie," says my mom from the screen of my laptop.

"Hey mom," I wave from the other side. "How are you doing ?"

"I'm doing fine, honey. How are you ?"

"Usual," I simply answer with a smile. "The show will be held next month mom, I'll send the invitation soon."

"What show ?" I could see my mom frowns.

"My ballet show ? Don't you remember ?"

"Oh, yeah," she finally gets it. "Can't wait to see you, darling."

"Me too, mom. I gotta go, I have practice tonight. Bye mom."

"Bye sweetheart."

I see my own reflection at the screen of my laptop as I sigh. Being away from my family is hard, so fucking hard. But since the very beginning, this is what I wanted. I want to know how it feels like to be away from my strict family and it feel so fucking awesome eventhough sometimes miss them.

 I want to know how it feels like to be away from my strict family and it feel so fucking awesome eventhough sometimes miss them

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