Chapter 7- The Pop Tart Launcher 3000

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Chapter 7- The Pop Tart Launcher 3000

"So, Vanessa, Luke tells me you can blend in with your surroundings," Dr. Frame said driving down the dirt road, way from the orphanage and into the buzzing highway. Vanessa sat in the back seat next to Max, silently. She looked out the window with no emotion till she look at Dr. Frame. "Yes sir. That's true."

"Fascinating. I assume you have chameleon like properties. You don't vanish out of in air. Your still there, just blending into the backdrop. Talk about impressive camo," Dr. Frame replied back.

I looked through the mirror seeing Vanessa shift uncomfortably. Deciding to change the topic of conversation, I said, "So, Dr. Frame. What other abilities do you think we'll come to find?"

He gave a shrug and said, "it's hard to say. There are so many possibilities! I mean, just look what we already found. Super strength, flying, invisibility. What next?" I gave a nervous smile that only disappeared when the sound of police sirens behind us got louder.

Looking over the seat, I saw a swarm of police cars race towards us, clearing the highway. Waiting only a moment to make sure they were indeed chasing us, the sound of a gruff voice yelled through a megaphone. "Listen here alien boy! We got you and your friends! Pull over or things get ugly."

"Drive! Drive!" I yelled at Dr. Frame. He slammed his foot on the breaks and went full speed down the road, swerving cars and rather large semis. The police kept up too though. Feeling a cluster of fear jumbled in my gut, I gripped the seat as Dr. Frame shouted, "hang on kiddos! Things are about to get bumpy!"

Dr. Frame spun the steering wheel with all his might, sheering off our course on the high way to the weedy paths along road. We all screamed as the truck bounced up and down. Soon, we were going 100 MPH down a cut and cropped corn field.

Luckily, all the police cars just piled up along side the highway, watching us get farther and farther away. Dr. Frame smiled and said, "that was fun. Never gone on a car chase before."

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Max said looking a bit green. I gave a sigh of relief and thought, my science teacher is crazy. Crazy, but amazing.


Dr. Frame slowly parked the truck in front of your average two story, prime paint suburbs house. The grass was green, the garbage was out, it looked...normal.

I looked down at the stalking device reassuring myself this was the house with the glowing dot, I took a deep breath and said, "alright, guys. This is the place."

"I'll stay here. You three go," Dr. Frame smiled calmly. I nodded and slowly opened the door, sliding out of my seat. Max and Vanessa climbed out of the truck and stood in front of the house with me.

I cleared my throat and walked towards the house, keeping a strong stance. The police chase kinda shook me up. Then again, it was my first police chase.

Calmly, I approached the front door and ringed the doorbell. Hearing one of Beethoven's symphony's play as the doorbell for a good minute, the door open, revealing a little girl with massive black, curly hair. Freckles speckled her olive face as she smile with a toothless grin. The child couldn't be older than five. "Hiya!"

"Hi," I said with a weak smile. "Is there a kid here who is around twelve?" The girl sighed and said, "if Zeke stole your cat, I am afraid it's too late to save it."

" We didn't lose a cat. We're a...doing a survey for twelve year olds," I smiled. She looked at me as if she was digging out my deepest secrets, then she sighed and said, "Zeke! Stop stealing people's cats! Your making them nervous when they come to the door, stupid!"

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